Friday 30 May 2014

Ah UKIP. You need a campaign stance and a post doing well attitude. They're not the same thing

I understand that UKIP does not have a wealth of polished media-trained advocates, people who come across well on programmes such as #BBCQT for example. And that elected MEPs have every right to represent the party. But tonight's shouty, aggressive woman on Question Time was the wrong choice I'm afraid.

You've made your points, well and successfully. The posters were a bit 'frying pan to the back of the head' but they worked. It's now time to transition from protest party to credible party. From shouting to calm reflection, facts and statistics. Clarification and if possible amid the onslaught from the MSM, starting to set a rational, considered agenda instead of reacting to hostility.

UKIP has been setting the agenda for weeks now, but it has been an agenda of controversy, of immigration and of accusations of racism - none of which actually stands up to considered, factual evaluation, but by continuing to react to it, you're in danger of being swept away by the tide of establishment hostility.

You don't have to prove yourselves anymore. You have significant support. You now need to be more friendly, less aggressive, more considered. There are a great many arguments in your favour, not least of which is the establishment hostility. They're running scared. They have been found out by a great many voters who simply do not believe that the current establishment stands up for them.

The task now is to establish credibility, to build on the populism that you have achieved and to make voting UKIP more acceptible - not racist, not anti-gay - to more people.

Above all it is to raise the issue of the EU even higher on the agenda - it affects everyone, they just don't seem to understand that yet. Shouting won't deliver this. Rational argument can, and I hope will.

Thanks for reading.

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