Sunday 1 June 2014

It's probably just me..

It really is probably just me who doesn't understand this situation. Because no-one else seems to think it is an issue for us - apart, perhaps from a few 'right wing' commentators whose views are discredited as being racist. And I certainly don't qualify on that score and nor do I want to be seen in the same light as them. But....

We 'go in' to Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Middle East, to make it a better place. Yes the excuse was because it was a country that was harbouring terrorists, but when we got there our goal was to make it a better, fairer, more democratic place. One where women in particular would be liberated. Would be able to enjoy an education. Would be able to go to school - a 'luxury' denied them hitherto by a male dominated society that treats women as second class citizens. As chattels. The posessions of men. To do with as they please.

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), marrying off daughters at 8 years' old. Rape within marriage being entirely legal. Female adultery - even in the form of rape - being punishable by death - often by stoning.

Remind me again why we are welcoming these people into the UK? Is it because they will adopt our way of life and our freedoms and give up their medieval ways? After all if they want to come to our country they must believe that we offer a better way of life than they have enjoyed thus far.

Are they joining in with us in our quest for freedom of speech and expression? Do they buy in to our secular meritocracy in which anyone can do well regardless of background, religion or race?

Or are they trying to establish their own medieval laws; controlling women, castigating if not killing 'unbelievers'?

Why are we fighting for freedom overseas and then welcoming, feeding, protecting and enabling those who would subjugate, control and harm us and our way of life in our own country?

Please, someone, explain this to me.

Thanks for reading.

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