Sunday 11 May 2014

If Dave really wants a second term that's good, but it makes him maleable

I've long thought that Mr Cameron doesn't really want a second term. That he feels that he's done his bit - and it must be arduous, it's a 24/7 job after all. I would not criticise him if he wanted to depart to spend more time with his young family etc.

History will probably judge him positively anyway. He's been on the watch when the economy has come back into growth and when many of his decisions have been proved right. He has, in my opinion, been a positive force for this country and has cleared up much of the mess that was created by the last Labour government.

Not all of it, because there was so much mess left by Messrs Blair and Brown that it will take a generation for us to get over their shambles. But nonetheless he has started the process and done a good job in many ways.

But this piece in the Telegraph today here suggests to me that he wants to carry on. And I see that as a good thing. I think he's good for the UK. But he's still pro the EU, 'Common purpose' and all that. And I see UKIP people on my time-line criticising Dave and thinking that UKIP has all the answers. And even that UKIP can do without Dave. I simply don't think that's the case. Dave and the Tories are part of the solution not the problem.

Dave wanting another term is a good thing. Because it makes him populist and malleable. It means that he will do all in his power to be re-elected. And that means understanding the threat that is UKIP; understanding that people want a referendum and understanding that many of us want out.

My advice would be don't 'diss' Dave. He's part of the team that will deliver a referendum. A key part of it. If we can use his new-found desire for a second term to get him behind an 'out' vote, that's massive.

I think we can. But not if we attack the Tories and think UKIP can do it all.

Thanks for reading.

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