Monday 29 June 2015

What are we waiting for Dave?

Thirty Brits dead. Murdered on the beach on their holidays by Islamic Extremists. Posing no threat to anyone, relaxing and enjoying the fruits of their labours - a holiday with their families.

So what are we waiting for Dave? These people were targeted because they were British. As I understand it non-Brits were told to leave the area before the shooting started.

Brits targeted just as if they'd been walking along Piccadilly. But it's easier to get to them in Tunisia - there's less security, less vigilance.

Our dedicated security forces may be succeeding in thwarting Islamic terrorist attacks in the UK (for now) but it is now clear that we are under attack as a nation, as a people.

And that we are under attack from people with whom there is no negotiating. No chance of compromise or agreement. No mercy, no thought for human decency, no fear of their own death, no humanity whatsoever.

And they're not going away, they are increasing in number. The threat is growing by the day.

It's high time that we stood up to these murderous bastards. I marched against the gulf war because it was a ludicrous project, totally unfounded in terms of reason and with no coherent exit strategy. It was purely about Bush's need for vengeance and Tony's abject acquiescence to war mongering. It has made us reluctant to go to war again now, but now there surely is a proper reason to take action.

Just saying 'they'll never succeed' is not doing it Dave. They are succeeding while we wring our hands. Sooner or later we'll have to go in again and sort this mess out properly. And along the way we'll also need to ask the question of our home-based Islamists (moderate and otherwise) whose side they're on. Whose laws take precedence - the UK's or the Qu'ran's. If it's the latter they'll have to go.

Not a popular or 'PC' view I know, but in the end, it's what will have to happen if we're to retain the way of life that we've fought for for centuries.

The clock is ticking Dave. The first step is to recognise - rather than deny - that we have a problem. The second step is to sort it out once and for all. You might have to break the bad news to the global arms industry at some point, but they'll have a bonanza in the short term. And then they can invest their £billions in the products of peace.

Doing nothing is not an option any more. Or are you waiting for the inevitable major event on the streets of the UK? It is coming. We all know this. For the sake of the tens or hundreds or thousands of people who will inevitably die in the UK if we stick to the current mantra, get on with it now Dave. You don't now need to wait for any further bloodshed in the name of Allah, here or anywhere else.

Thanks for reading.

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