Saturday 6 June 2015

We fought against Germany's last attempt to take over Europe. Now we're helping to pay for it. Sweary - warned ;)

Most of my blogs are rational, reasoned and polite. You could share them with your granny and she'd not take offence. This one isn't in that category. If you're offended by swearing please don't read on. Thanks. Normal polite service will be resumed hereafter. There is strobe lighting and flash photography from the start... ;)

Are we fucking mad?

We fought and shed blood; millions of people on both sides lost their lives in two world wars in the twentieth century in a fight that was essentially about protecting smaller countries from being taken over by bullying larger countries. Our very existence as a nation was under threat. We fought against this threat and we fought because we believed in freedom not just for ourselves but also for people in other countries who might be competitors in the global race, but who were also just like us - living their lives, working hard for themselves and their families, wanting to trade and be useful and to provide for themselves without being under the yoke of dictatorship.

And now we're funding Germany's take-over of Europe?

I ask again; are we fucking mad?

What we are seeing in the EU is effectively a take-over of Europe by Germany. This time with banks rather than tanks, but the outcome will be the same. Smaller countries in Europe beholden to, dependent upon and in thrall to Germany. And we're paying £28 million a day to help fund this 'project'?

Extreme? Look at Greece? And Spain, Italy, Portugal. Most of all look at France. A once proud nation that is now totally dependent upon Germany. You can add 'France' to the list of German states like Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine Westphalia.

France is now Germany's puppet. It cannot take a shit economically speaking without Frau Merkel agreeing to it.

And (let's forget about Greece for a moment, it has become a doomed bit-part player anyway) look at Italy and Spain too. Economic basket cases that buy German products but cannot export their own because of the relatively strong (for them) Euro. German companies are buying-up Italian and Spanish businesses like it's going out of fashion.

And we're helping them to do this. Mr Hitler would have blushed at the speed of this take-over. And while we do not agree with the 'direction of travel' that the EU is embarked upon, we are being too polite to take a real principled stand against it. But we're not just turning our backs on the process, we are actively helping to pay for it. Even though we don't agree with it. Even though we cannot envisage ever joining the Eurozone.

And we're twiddling our thumbs about immigration and control of our borders. While Germany takes over Europe.

The answer is 'yes'.

We are certifiably, fucking mad.

Thanks for reading.

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