Wednesday 17 June 2015

The Great EUscape

The 'escapee' is actually the sheep who can read and consider the facts and issues at hand in a rational way instead of jumping off the cliff into the abyss that is the EU.

And it is an abyss if you just take the time to think about it coolly and rationally. Staying in the EU is not the 'safe' choice, it is quite the opposite.

The safe choice in the coming referendum is to reclaim control of your (our) own destiny as a people and as a nation. A destiny that we have some control over, shaped by politicians who we elect, who live locally and therefore understand our issues, values, concerns and needs. Who (supposedly) work for us and whom we can vote in - and crucially - vote out if they do not do what we want them to do.

Compare this to what happens in the EU where the laws are made by largely unelected people who are unlikely to have heard of the village, town or city in which you live, much less ever visited. Laws which are designed to be universal across the EU and take precedence over existing UK laws even if our laws are perfectly satisfactory of even more appropriate to the UK than the EU's own diktats.

If you have an issue in the UK you can write to your MP or visit his or her surgery. If you have an issue with the EU you can, erm well what? Write to your MEP who represents millions of people rather than 100k or so? Good luck with that.

Even in the unlikely event that he or she takes up your cause it will almost certainly be ignored because it is likely personal or at least local to you and not something that can be dealt with on a Europe-wide basis. So even if it is a massive local issue, that is affected directly by EU laws, it is very unlikely to be something that they can or will change because of the problems it causes to you.

And you cannot vote these people out - or 'in' for that matter. They don't need you. Why should they give a shit about you?

The fact is that there is absolutely no reason for them to (give a shit about you), and they certainly don't - so long as you continue to pay your taxes which fund their huge salaries and solid gold pension schemes.

So the safe, and the positive choice in the coming referendum is to vote in a way which enables us to retain - or actually take back - our powers; our ability to have a proper democratic say in how we are governed. If we vote to stay in the EU these powers will be diminished, probably forever and the EU will take that vote as a mandate to go even further towards the 'ever closer union' that is has publicly stated is its goal.

I think it is also important to understand that this vote is not about UK politics or parties. A vote to stay in the EU is not a vote against our existing Tory government and nor is it a vote for Labour. Indeed if you support Labour the most effective way for your political leanings to be enacted is if we leave the EU and our own government of whichever political hue has the power to deliver its policies in the future. It could be argued that a vote to stay in is marginally for a more left-wing approach to life but you'd be well-advised to take a look at how this is working out in France, Spain, Italy and especially Greece at the moment.

Finally for this blog, a vote to leave the EU is not a vote against 'Europe' as a place. It is not anti the European people - I would argue strongly that it is a vote to empower ourselves and also to begin a process that will ultimately empower sovereign nation states in Europe to stand on their own two feet again, via control of their own economies and governance. If we leave, the EU will struggle to carry on as a viable concern and I think it would make it much more likely that places like Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal would choose to reboot their memberships, probably taking back control of their own economies via a reintroduction of their own currencies so that they are not shackled to the Euro which is much too strong (exchange rates) for their economies and is the key reason why they are struggling so much at the moment and that there is no end in sight.

The EU concept, which was put together in the 1950s, after the last unpleasantness and before globalisation and the digital age, is not the forward-looking modern solution to the needs of the continent of Europe; it is an outdated concept which is failing most of Europe's people.

Quite apart from the issue of retaining our own local influence and destiny as a nation, this referendum is also about whether we tie ourselves in to a failing bloc that is in a state of managed decline and, with the introduction of new members whose economies are extremely weak and mired in corruption, this decline is extremely likely to continue for decades, generations, perhaps centuries.

This is not what we want or need to be involved in when, outside the EU we would be free to trade with the rest of the world - with growing economies like China and India and our friends in the Commonwealth. Not stuck with trying to rescue the basket case economies of places like Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Italy, Spain, Greece...

Oh and France (which is a massive disaster just waiting to happen).

Thanks for reading.

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