Sunday 10 May 2015

Your 'to do' list Dave

First and foremost - and these are in priority order:

NHS. You need to take it out of politics and have a proper review. It needs to change and not just to have money endlessly thrown at it. It's about outcomes not vested interests. Get someone from Lidl or Aldi on your team. I am entirely serious about this suggestion. Go into one of their stores and spend some time in it. You will see that I'm right very quickly.

Education: It's about outcomes too. Stand up to 'the blob' but really this time. It's not about protecting crap teachers but promoting great teachers and getting them to lead the line. One failed teacher is 30+ failed students. And yet crap teachers are'compromised' out to go and ply their failure somewhere else with no stain on their reputation. Enough already. Reduce University tuition fees for science, medical and engineering subjects.

Defence: We need to spend more not less on our armed forces - get the budget back up to 2% of spending, quickly.

Multiculturalism and law and order: These two issues are irrevocably linked in the UK at the moment. We need a definition of what it means in terms of the laws of the land, to live in the UK. This definition can be broad, inclusive and tolerant to a point, but it needs to be consistently and properly enforced - FGM, polygamy, child brides are not lawful in the UK. This needs to be enforced clearly and consistently. This definition also needs to make clear that Sharia law will not be tolerated in the UK. We need to see the prosecution of criminal gangs who have been praying on 'white trash' girls with impunity for decades because the police and local authorities were too afraid of being called 'racist' to uphold our laws. Some of the people who have been complicit in this should also be prosecuted instead of receiving pay-offs.

The EU: You promised a referendum and now you will of course deliver it. Renegotiations first - we need some 'red lines' that are clear and unambiguous. We need to be able to control our borders ourselves. Have our own immigration policy that is not decided by Brussels. We need to be able to make our own trade deals with the rest of the world without needing EU permissions. We need clarity on our status as a sovereign nation - no threat to the pound and no UK commitment to an EU army. And actually Dave, the bottom line here, is that we need a civilised de-coupling process to begin, since the EU is determined to go down its publicly stated route of a federal Europe. We don't want to be part of that so the only option is Brexit. And the only two ways of achieving that is in the manner I describe or via a much messier but also much quicker referendum vote for Brexit. Staying inside a 'project' that is going in the opposite direction to the one we want, is never going to work.

Welfare: IDS has been reappointed tonight. He needs to continue his processes of reducing welfare dependence, making work pay and unpicking the welfare-trap 'client state' that Mr Blair almost succeeded in making big enough to secure power for Labour. We need a fair safety net for those in need, help for people who need it to get back on their feet, but not a welfare state that is so generous as to be a viable lifestyle choice for millions of people. This will of course be highly unpopular but it needs to be achieved for the long-term good of the country.

Overseas aid: This needs radical overhaul. Achieving a 0.7% figure is arguably a good thing but the execution of this programme is fatally flawed with corruption and inefficiencies. We're sending aid money to countries who neither need nor want it. Countries who themselves have a space programme. Countries like Argentina, with whom we are potentially in conflict. It's madness. We should focus on Africa and on trade with that continent, enabling them to trade their way into the first world instead of sending emergency money when there is a crisis that we have helped (with the EU which is the major culprit) to create. We give more per capita than any other nation and yet we face tough times at home? Germany gives 0.19% to our 0.7%.

Foreign Policy: Clearly this is entangled with what happens with the EU but we should be forging our own relationships with the rest of the world in any case. Particularly the Commonwealth and our special relationship with the US, Canada, Australia, China and India instead of relying on our insular trade with the world's only shrinking trading bloc - the EU. We need to take a lead on the Middle East - either we stay well away and reduce the ability for their endless wars to impact upon us here at home, or we go in, once and for all and impose our laws and human rights on these barbarians. Either way is expensive, but in the end we'll have to sort this out in my opinion.

Energy: We should be looking to develop viable and efficient renewables but not with the deeply flawed Al-Gore-shaped gun at our heads. Biomass doesn't work, wind has potential but not in the way it is currently funded. We should also invest in clean coal and make use of the resources like shale gas that we have at our fingertips rather than continuing to be reliant on oil from unstable countries. Like Scotland. (Just kidding). You should commission a properly scientific evaluation of man-made climate change - particularly given that without Russia, China or India agreeing with the forthcoming Paris 'treaty on climate change' it has zero chance of being successful on a planet-wide scale. You should also open up the energy market to greater competition and disallow energy retailers from also being wholesale producers who are frankly taking the piss out of us consumers.

HS2: Should be scrapped in its current form. For the amount we're likely to be spending we should be getting a system that is world-leading not just catching up with where France was in 1985. Look at HyperLoop in California. We could make it work here and then lead the world with the technology. That's where we should be. Ambitious and world-beating not also rans.

Housing: Government should 'prime the pump' on getting as much brown-field land back into positive usage for new homes as possible. It's the only way that this will work. Revisit Labour's SUEs (Sustainable Urban Extensions). They made sense but Mr Prescott was in charge - nuff said?

Historical child sexual abuse: I know this process has been extremely difficult to get under way, but now is the time to press the accelerator Dave. Janner and Brittan should be properly investigated and the inquiry must be speeded up so that justice is not only done but seen to be done, in an even-handed, non-party political way. This will have to come out eventually, better to be the ones doing the exposing and prosecuting than covering it up.

The BBC: Please sort out the BBC once and for all Dave. They've had the chance to reform themselves but have singularly failed to do so. Their corruption, lies, bias and cover-up of monstrous acts in the past has been left unchallenged for too long. It's time to open up this particular Pandora's box and demand - nay impose - reform. They need to be stopped from taking sides on issues like climate change and the EU where they are actively spreading propaganda instead of reporting the facts. Their political bias - particularly pro Labour and outrageously anti UKIP (a legitimate party which represents millions of UK voters) needs not just to be stopped, but also punished. Those responsible for the cover up of child sexual activity - the BBC knew all about Savile and Stuart Hall a long time ago - should also be brought to book. Some elements of the 'service' (arts and world service/own correspondent, Test Match Special - that's about it) should be protected but the rest should be made to pay for itself instead of being funded by the tax-payer.

Chilcot: Tell that nice Mr Blair to 'Foxtrott Oscar' and let's get the bloody thing published. Tell Mr Chilcot that if it's not published in full by September he'll be jailed. He's cost us £11million so far for a report that he said, in 2009, would be 'quick and no whitewash'! 

Hunting: Repeal the ban. It was never about animal welfare but pure vote-securing envy. Just do it. It'll keep the left's minds off of the other, much more important stuff.

And in the afternoon.....


Thanks for reading.


  1. excellent piece, very well put. You just have to sell this to the brick chuckers and paint daubers. There is your problem.

    Aldi, I like that, you are right

    1. Thank you for the comment, much appreciated and I agree with your sentiment as to where the problem lies. Dave's problem more than mine though! In Aldi, as you obviously understand, it's all about getting customers out of the door with their goods in a friendly but very efficient way. No-one (staff-wise) is shuffling about aimlessly or chatting as one sees endlessly in other supermarkets or, in an even more noticeable way, NHS hospitals. Thanks again.
