Wednesday 20 May 2015

It's not about being in 'Europe' Dave, George: It's about the 'EU' - they're very different things

OK, first things first. Europe is a place. A geographical construct and we are in Europe. Unless we float off into the Atlantic because of non-existent rising sea levels at some time very soon, that is not going to change. We have an unbreakable tectonic relationship with Europe. We can't leave. We have to stay together for the kids.

And nor can we change the fact that we cannot be governed by a land-mass. We can only be governed by 'people' - ideally with our consent, otherwise it's a dictatorship and I think we've done enough fighting over the centuries to consign that particular option to the dustbin of history. Oh, wait...

It is not 'Europe' that we're talking about here; it's the EU and everyone who comments on the issue should be using this term. The EU is not 'Europe' it is a political 'project' that happens to be being enacted on the geographical continent of Europe.

Splitting hairs? Absolutely not. As always in this (current and coming) propaganda battle, there are subtleties at play here. Just as pro-EU dinosaurs like Mandelson, Ken Clark, Nick Clegg et al will tell you that the EU is not a very important issue for us, they will go on to say that it would be a disaster if we left. So it is important then? Think about this for a moment.

And the same thing is being done when people talk about being in Europe but not run by Europe. It's not 'Europe' it's the 'EU' and that is an entirely different thing.

Why does this matter? It matters because 'Europe' is a positive thing. It's 'home', it's where we live, where we go on holiday. It's a wonderful place with wonderful culture, food, diversity, history, silly yet charming local traditions. Europe is a fantastic place. I adore Europe, have worked there, have friends there, the people are wonderful and they share our values of generosity and community.

The 'EU' on the other hand, is none of these things. It celebrates conformity and standardisation. It wants control not freedom of expression. It wants to suppress quirkiness and diversity. It wants everywhere to be 'German' in outlook in terms of finance, work ethic, governance and taxes. It may not 'want' but it's policies will ensure, that Europe will become a much less diverse, much more standardised place.

If you were Ebenezer Scrooge and wanted to stifle 'fun' and 'wonderfulness' in Europe you'd be embarrassed at the draconian lengths to which the EU is going.

The EU is a bad thing for Europe. It will diminish it's quality and value on a cultural level. That's probably enough for me, but the other realities: That Brexit would not adversely effect our economy or our ability to trade, not only with the Eurozone but crucially with the rest of the world on our own behalf, or the issue about democratic representation - we are represented (to a degree) by the people we elect here at home but not by unelected Eurocrats who care nothing for our local values and concerns, clinch it for me.

So let's call it what it is: It's the EU not 'Europe'. Europe is great, the EU is a threat to that greatness.

And why would we want to be 'in' the EU - paying £28 million a day (net) to support its progress towards a federal state - when that is not what we want? Why would we want to pay for this essentially German take-over of Europe, when we have fought, not just for our own freedoms but for those of the people of all of Europe, quite recently?

Call it the 'EU'. It matters because the EU is killing the hope, aspiration and lives of millions of people who are under the EU yoke, especially people in southern Europe.

People who, like me, are fervently pro Europe but who understand that the EU is anti its people, its freedoms and its prosperity.

Thanks for reading.

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