Monday 18 May 2015

What is the point of our staying in the EU if we don't share its vision for a Federal Europe?

In the unlikely event that Dave does secure any meaningful reforms to the UK's relationship with the EU - and in reality, even if (when) he doesn't -  the chances are that we'll be asked to vote to stay in.

In that event the machinery of UK Government, the EU sponsored BBC and the EU itself will pump £millions into pro-EU propaganda and will almost certainly win the day. It will be almost impossible to compete with that power.

And given that it's been 40 years since we had a meaningful referendum on our membership of the EU, which has in that time 'progressed' from being a trading entity to a full-on European Federation, if we do vote for 'in' that'll be that. The vote will be used by the EU and UK governments as a mandate for further integration and we'll inevitably be included in that.

We will probably never have another referendum on the issue of our membership.

It will eventually mean that we will lose the pound and our status as an independent nation-state. We'll be a small state in a bigger European Union with an 8% (and shrinking) share of the vote instead of a sovereign nation with the ability to govern itself and control its own destiny. You know, the things we fought and shed blood for in the very recent past.

But here's the thing. If we don't share the EU's vision for a Federal Europe, with it's own flag, 'national' anthem, army, government, central financial apparatus, universal laws, why do we want to remain part of the project? Regardless of renegotiations?

Renegotiating some of the minor issues when we fundamentally don't share the long-term vision is just tinkering and ignoring the biggest issue.

And by staying in we'll be funding (as the 2nd or 3rd biggest contributor) the EU's project towards full integration. We'll be paying for the integration of countries which are mired in corruption and whose economies are basket cases when we're struggling to adequately fund public services here in the UK. Why on earth would we be happy to do that?

This coming referendum is not about our short-term 'red tape' issues but our long term - and irrevocable future as a nation.

I honestly can't see any 'reforms' to our relationship with the EU that would convince me to agree to vote to stay in. Look at the changes that have occurred in the past 40 years since we last had a vote on the issue. And consider a similar rate of progress for the next 40 years. We'll be swallowed up whole. Tied to the world's only shrinking trading bloc, tied to failing states and economic basket cases (including France, Italy, Spain and Greece - this is not just about Mickey Mouse new joiners) instead of being able to thrive and prosper under our own steam.

There is no danger to UK trade from our leaving the EU. We are their biggest customer globally. There is a £46billion trade deficit in their favour. There is no chance of their imposing trade sanctions against us. It would be economic suicide if they did so.

And we currently pay £28million a day (net) to the EU. In order to help them to eventually bring us down to their failing level?

We're quite mad to even be entertaining staying in the EU. We must win this argument against all odds if we are to prosper in the future and retain our hard-won freedoms.

Thanks for reading.

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