I've spared you the intimate detail of the painting you'll be happy to know.
The knobs arrived today and were a bit disappointing if I'm honest. I think she thought they'd be a bit bigger. She wanted 'interesting' knobs but I think she'd have preferred bigger ones. Just a hunch.
In the meantime I have 'populated' the new wardrobe with 'she who must be obeyed's clothes. Two apostrophies? I dunno. It's late.
I put the shoes in first. There's three metres of space with two 'rails' for the heels and a back row too. I could fit my entire shoe collection (four pairs) into half of one rail in the cupboard side, this will be easy.
When I say 'easy' I may have exaggerated a bit. If I do eventually give in and do the family tree, I am confident I will discover that my wife is closely related to Imelda Marcos. I don't think she wears any pair more than twice. Lovely wonderful, dare I say 'sexy' shoes? Courts, sling-backs, serious heels, sandals, pumps, kitten heels, wedges (I loathe wedges), elegant classic shoes. Trainers, 'fit' flops, slippers, boots (don't get me started on boots), thigh high leather.. I may have made that last one up.
More's the pity.
Anyway shoes. They went in. No room at all now for clothes, but they went in.
Actually there was room for clothes too - it's like an aircraft hangar inside - and no I didn't find flight MH370, though I looked.
Just the carpet to go now and she'll have a whole new room. My guess is that the wardrobe will soon have clothes hanging off it rather than in it (which was the starting point of the project) but there you go.
I'm thinking of building a 'dog house' in the spare room next. Just for me.
Thanks for reading.
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