Thursday 30 October 2014

If information is power, twitter poses the biggest threat to our governments yet seen. Good

I bet the establishment hates the way that social media and in particular twitter has grown in recent years.

They saw it as a one-way communication tool that they could use to communicate 'at' us. Delivering their messages to us without for a moment understanding that it could become a two-way street - and one where we would become as powerful as they are, because we have the same information.

'Because we say so: because we have considered the issue and our 'experts' have concluded thus, so we have made this decision, it's right, don't worry your pretty heads about it', has become 'bullshit'.

They have effectively opened themselves up to massive scrutiny and have been found wanting. In spades.

Information is power and whilst our establishment still controls the levers, twitter has evened things up massively. 

The rise of UKIP is not about immigration, it's about information. Or rather about the disinformation that we've been fed - and accepted - for decades.

'We're 'for the people' they are our bosses,' they say (every 5 years of so, ignoring us in the meantime). This is complete bullshit. And we're slowly waking up to this fact based on the recent (for some people) realisation that actually we're being conned at every turn.

I don't need to reel off examples here do I? You know that what I say is true in your heart of hearts. You know that what you want, what you believed to be right and fair is completely ignored by our so-called 'representatives' in government.

Well the thing is that we are now equally, often better, informed than they are. And, Mr and Mrs Politician, we're coming for you.

twitter doesn't do 'smug'. It doesn't do 'patronising'. It demands that you have a view and that you stick to your promises. It explores the background to your decisions. It follows the money.

It (we) know if you are being influenced by self interest. It knows that 'you work for us' not the other way around.

It must be a right royal pain in the arse for you politicians. It will fundamentally change the way you operate. Is already doing so.

If you don't 'get it' you're toast. If you do, you might have a future as our representative, but you will have to be just that. Our views not your own, and certainly not your smug party politics.

Happy days. Not here yet, but coming soon.

Thanks for reading.

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