Friday 24 October 2014

A tax on your home

Forget this 'Mansion tax' bollocks. A tax on Oligarchs who pay £millions for London property and pay no taxes. This has nothing to do with them. £3 grand a year? It's not even small change to them.

What it is about is charging everyone who has done 'the right thing' and saved and scrimped and bought their own home. It's about penalising people who have saved for their retirement, done the right thing and having done so are denied a free bus pass or the Winter fuel allowance because they have some money available. They have paid for these things in their taxes over the years but they're denied these 'products' that they've paid for, because they can afford a bit more?

When did 'doing the right thing' become a bad thing? On what planet is that 'fair'?

What is the point in doing the right thing?

This so-called Mansion tax will become, in very short order, a tax on your property. Whether it's valued at £2million or £200,000. That made you think didn't it? Labour says it will raise £1.2 billion a year. Figures from Knight Frank & the Tax Payers Alliance suggest £414 million. Here. So the shortfall? Will be paid by other property owners as, effectively, 'rent' on property you already own. Except under this scheme you don't actually own it do you? If you can be charged more just for living there?

Of course it will. As night follows day. It's an 'envy tax' and it will be brought down by degree until it includes the value of your home. It is another way in which the government can levy a tax on you. They take it out of your pocket in terms of income tax - two day's a week working for Dave (if you're lucky), more is taken for national insurance, more on VAT, more on fuel and fags and drink and pleasure. When will it end. These fuckers are supposed to work for us! They're working for themselves.

Only it's not 'working' it's simply 'taking'. 'Theft' by any meaningful definition. And because the 'left' (sadly) have nothing, nothing to lose and nothing to care about in terms of passing anything on to their state sponsored children, they will leap at the chance to have another go at people who act responsibly, do the right thing and provide for their needs. It's pure envy and it's completely wrong.

The poor left applaud because it's taking from the 'haves'. But it's not really giving to the 'have nots' as they would like. It's giving to the government who will piss it up the wall on foreign aid and stupid projects like HS2. When, in the past 50 years, has taking from the rich actually made your lives better? When has it delivered uplift to your lives or your communities? When has returning another Labour MP actually made a positive difference to you?

They're taking you for fools. And frankly you deserve it.

So support this 'envy tax' secure in the knowledge that some people are getting a bigger kicking than you are. But what's it for? It's ultimately so that government has more control over you; can force you to become a bi-pedal working unit in their system, because you have to pay your way. You might have done the right thing and paid for the freehold on your property, but you'll now have to pay rent on it too. To the government. If you're happy about that you're a moron.

Thanks for reading.

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