Monday 3 November 2014

Climate change, it's just getting funny now.

There were a couple of pieces in the Telegraph over the past two days on climate change which made me smile. At least I'd smile if this ridiculous stuff wasn't costing me - and you - hundreds of pounds a year to solve a problem which simply doesn't exist.

This whole situation is becoming simply ludicrous as the real world facts just do not bear any relation to what these people are saying and claiming.

In this one the reporter dutifully recorded the fact that many climate change NGOs have exaggerated claims about the threat we face and then went on to report some additional ludicrous threats with absolutely zero factual substance. Whatever your views on this issue, if you take a step back, you'd have to see this as funny, if it wasn't quite so serious.

Here is the second piece, linked in the first, same journalist. Read the thing please otherwise the following will make no sense.

This may sound trite but I'll come back to the rationale shortly.

My response to the paragraphs are thus:

Pars 1, 2, 3 and 4: No it isn't.

Par 5 Not it won't.

Pars 6, 7 8, 9, 10 and 11: no it isn't.

Par 12: No it isn't we do not control the climate and nor can we.

Par 13: There is zero scientific evidence for this claim.

The rest is 'line by line' bollocks. That I can't be arsed to fisk. These people said we were going into an ice age in 1974. They told us we'd have 50 million climate refugees by now. That snow would be a thing of the past by now. That the polar ice caps would have melted by now.

And yet the MSM (Main Stream Media) still gives them space and credibility? It has nothing to do with the impossible control of climate and everything to do with control of you.  How and where you live, how you travel, how many kids you have, access to the countryside. How you heat your home. What you eat. How you live.

It's past time that we woke up to this utter bullshit.

More background here and here.

Thanks for reading.

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