Friday 11 April 2014

Why do we accept this shit?

It sometimes feels like I'm banging my head against a brick wall. That nothing I can say or do will make any difference.

When did we abrogate our will? Our desire to do the right thing?

When did we accept that money-grabbing people will do what they want to do? Irrespective of what's right and fair and equitable?

I'm a Tory, by instinct. I believe in small government, low taxes, enterprise, wealth generation, but also helping those who are not as fortunate to survive, endure, live to fight another day.

We're losing that connection. It's now a 'take what you can' world. Fuck the poor. And that's not a Tory thing, it's a societal thing. Do you think that Mr Miliband or Balls gives a fuck about you? Any more than Dave or Gideon does? Any more than Mr Clegg does? If anything he's the worst of the lot. Wouldn't know a principal if it bit him on the arse.

But he's not the issue. He's part of it no doubt as deputy PM (God help us), but it's a much bigger malaise than the fucking Lib Dems. They, frankly, are irrelevant. At least I think (and fervently hope)  they will be after the next general election.

It sounds like I'm a raving socialist, advocating equality and fairness, criticising the bankers and the energy companies.

But at the same time criticising the growing client state, ridiculous welfare rewards for no effort? The diversity and 'tolerance' agenda. We'll tolerate your pseudo religious (muslim) agenda until you take control and subject us to (Sharia) laws that are the polar opposite of the freedoms that our ancestors fought and spilled blood for? And what we really want, freedom. Or we'll be called 'racist'? 

We're fiddling while Rome burns. We're sleepwalking into disaster.

Giving up our representation and political power to unelected socialist EU governance. Accepting religious-driven morals that were created when those devising them thought that the earth was flat. And which were defined when controlling women was the objective in a medieval way.

And our smug lefty, BBC-influenced establishment is turning a blind eye to what is really going on. At the 'top' people are making serious money in the current shambles in our 'fuck you' society. No one seems to give a fuck about the future or our kids' aspirations so long as they can get rich quick. They seem to believe that they will be OK if they give up our choices, our control, our vision and our views of this once proud country so long as they can make a quick buck.

It feels as though we're just bit part players in an overall quest wherein some people are just raping this country for their own gain before leaving us to our fate at the hands of religious fundementalists who will turn our streets into a war zone.

Tell me I'm wrong. Give me credible evidence that this is not so.

It's very nearly time to stand up and fight for our values, or fuck off to America and try to make our last stand there.

'To what avail
the plow or sail?
Or land or life
if freedom fail.'

Emerson. It's engraved in the statue of Liberty. I saw it once and it's never left me.

It's not too late, but it's getting close to that. Wake up.

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