Monday 14 April 2014

BBC News or propaganda?

This was the BBC's take on the need for renewables and our journey away from 'dirty' fuel today: here

Have a read.

There is no questioning of the premise of the report. No assessment of its validity. No balanced take on what is a growing skepticism about the science. Not a single mention of the fact that the earth has not been warming now for 17 years.

Is this journalism? Really? Is the BBC there to report on the story, the facts, or just to broadcast the propaganda that is put out by the UN and the IPCC?

It seems to me that we are forced, by law, to pay for the BBC. One in ten court cases in the UK are about non-payment of the license fee. And therefore we should be able to be confident that the BBC is delivering on its charter to provide balanced and unbiased news into our living rooms.

The thing is that when a broadcaster, with a global footprint, influence and credibility, starts to be a vehicle of propaganda, we're all in trouble.  When a news organisation starts to deliver the news from one side of the argument only, it becomes a propaganda vehicle and not a reliable source of news.

Because it has an agenda. It is trying to influence rather than inform. It becomes a campaigning body rather than a credible source of unbiased news.

The BBC has become just such a propaganda vehicle, sadly. Its stance on Palestine (anti Israel); the EU (pro because it receives funding from the EU), anti the legitimate political party that is UKIP, and most noticeably it's 'the science is settled' approach to climate change, are making a mockery of its credibility. And yet I am forced to pay for it?

The pay-offs and gagging orders, the cover-up of sexual misdeeds when senior BBC personnel knew about Stuart Hall, Savile etc., are all coming home to roost.

I happen to think that the BBC is one of the best things we've given to the world. It does great things, produces great programmes (especially on Radio 4) but the time has come - they had a chance to fess up and change things when Mr Hall was appointed as the DG, but they haven't.

This AGW bullshit is the last straw for me. I don't expect propaganda from our national broadcaster. I pay for balance and journalism and I'm not getting it. The BBC is no longer fit for purpose. It's time it was cut loose into the commercial world to sink or swim.

And it's entirely their own fault that this is now the case.

Thanks for reading.

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