Friday 25 April 2014

What does Labour stand for?

I've blogged about Dave and his issues (clarity of vision mainly - or lack of); the Lib Dems (toast mainly); the Greens (fascist mainly) and UKIP (a welcome spanner in the works).

So what about Labour? What do they espouse? What do they stand for? What are their goals, their solutions, their big ideas for the future of this great country of ours?

What is Mr Miliband shouting from the rooftops about how his party will deliver prosperity to this country?

Erm, well maybe I'm going deaf in my advancing years, but I'm not hearing much at all. Surely a year out from a General Election Her Majesty's opposition is offering a clear alternative, a big idea about a new direction for our country? Yes as the official 'opposition' it is their duty to hold the government to account, to highlight failures, to disagree with policies, but just nay saying is not what we need is it? We need to know what their alternative vision for our future is. What they would do to continue our emergence and recovery from the abject mess that they left the country in last time?

So where is it? Where is the leadership, the big ideas that we can grab a hold of and think 'maybe they are an option in the General Election.'?

They put out a party election broadcast this evening here that was truly the most vacuous piece of footage I've ever seen from any political party. Ed Balls (whose title as best-named MP ever will only be surpassed if a Mr Fuckwit is elected at some time) continues to deny the total mess they left last time and continues to try to talk the country down while the economy is slowly coming back to life.

'Cost of living crisis'? Wages not keeping up with inflation? When you have no wages at all that's a crisis. When there are jobs available for you in a recovering economy, you don't give a shit about hair-splitting stuff like that, you try to get a job and get back to a life of providing for your family. Which was not a realistic prospect when Labour ran the place into the ground and actively encouraged people from poorer countries to come here for work. Effectively pricing many locals out of a job. That's not racist, it's economic reality.

So what does Labour stand for? The working class? When its immigration policy which wasn't simply 'open door' but 'please come on in' has decimated indigenous UK employment? Does it stand for the unemployed who sadly need a helping hand? It would not revoke a single major Tory policy on welfare reform except perhaps the so-called 'bedroom tax' which it introduced. The NHS? Which has been criminally failing patients for years but had its figures hidden under Labour.

Maybe it's 'education, education, education' whose batshit crazy unions have been undermining standards for decades and seeing us falling down international league tables in the interests of crap teachers?

What does Labour stand for? I'd say it's 'failure'. At the very best, all I can come up with is that Labour stands for absolutely nothing, except lining the pockets of its champagne socialists who don't really give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

And yet they're ahead in the polls, more likely than not to form the next government (because of boundary changes that weren't made because of the Lib Dems).

Is the electorate completely mad? I think it is.

Thanks for reading

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