Wednesday 5 November 2014

How can we defend the British way of life if we can't control our borders? (sweary, warned)

It's a headline that suggests 'little Englander' doesn't it? Someone who is against change and wants to hide their head in the sand about real life and modern developments. Someone who harks back to former glories and hasn't yet moved on and embraced the modern world.

Well it does doesn't it?

Off you jolly-well fuck with that notion.

How have we been made to feel embarrassed about our core values as a nation? About fairness. About generosity and respect to others? About the promotion of equal opportunity for all. About valuing hard work, abiding by our long established laws. About our sense of community, goodwill to others, a live and let live society?

These are things that we value as a nation. We can put up with - embrace even - our lot. Delayed trains, warm beer, terrible food. Unfathomable sports like cricket, rugby, polo - our fifth biggest industry is horse racing!

We are eccentric, we often care more for our dogs than our family members. We go to village fétes in the rain and trudge through the mud with a smile on our faces. We give more to charities and to emerging causes like Ebola than any other nation on earth. We keep our promises. If we pledge money we deliver it. (most don't).

We may sometimes have an over-inflated view of our place in the world. We think we're bigger and more important than we actually are. We're a bit like a Yorkshire terrier in that regard. But our overarching view is that people should be free to live their lives if they obey the laws of the land. Our land in any case.

I think we should stop being embarrassed about our traditional values. I think they should be a template for the world. For women's rights, for gay rights, for our live and let live approach. It's not 'little Englander' it's what the world should aspire to.

You are welcome to disagree. But if you do, please fuck off back to the shithole your views have created in your own country. We neither want nor need you. We're fine and you are, quite rightly jealous of what we have. It's not backward looking, it's the only possible peaceful future we have as a species.

The question is: how can we defend and uphold our values if we don't control our borders and can't make sure that incomers share our values?

Isn't that why they're coming to live here? If not we shouldn't make them welcome. But we can't do this if we can't control our borders.

Listen to this. I love it

Thanks for reading.

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