Tuesday 5 August 2014


If one is entering into 'talks' with someone who wants you to be destroyed, wiped off the face of the earth, killed, slaughtered. Your kids eliminated, your women raped and killed, what exactly are you talking about? Where is the common ground? Where is the compromise?

I hate seeing Palestinian kids, women, old people being killed, I feel for them. I really do.

But Hamas is the cause of all of this. There is no basis for 'talks'. There is no basis for reason. These people are beyond the pail. They cannot be trusted. They need to be taken out, permanently. Israel is a civilised, democratic country that has been reduced to its current thuggery by its opponents. There's no 'Queensberry Rules' when one is dealing with Islamic extremists.

Israel is not fighting a state but a belief system being used to exploit its own people: a pseudo religious idology that is man-made (as all religions are of course) and which is being used to justify a complete subversion of any kind of human decency, kindness or good will.

For political and financial reasons. This is our front line in a global battle for our 'Western' freedoms (such as they are) against a return to the dark ages in terms of laws, religion and control.

It is a 'clear and present' danger to all of us. And it is also tragic for real people on both sides. But don't lose sight of the reality of this situation. Our enemies are not as squeemish or as decent as we are.

Thanks for reading.

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