Sunday 24 August 2014

Is it time we asked British Muslims what they want?

Obviously this is not a blog aimed at gaining any kind of popularity. It seems to me that any kind of reason is subject to being pounced upon by 'interest groups' who have an agenda. And that includes gay rights, animal stuff, 'pro life', assisted dying, global warming, Palestine, Israel; all sorts of stuff in which a reasonable, measured viewpoint is trashed by people who have an agenda.

These people are not prepared to consider issues put forward for rational consideration and debate, but are more likely to 'go for the throat' of anyone who has a different view. They try to stifle debate using terms like 'bigot', 'racist', 'hypocrite' when actually these terms describe themselves more accurately than they do their opponents. Such as me.

For the record (just so you can't threaten me until I make my point here) I am pro Gay marriage, anti vivisection, pro choice, think a life is the property of the individual not the self obsessed 'do gooders', pro Israel's right to defend itself against religious nutters. I'm also pro family, pro peace and especially, pro the generosity and tolerance of people towards each other. My 'dream, such as it is, is that we recognise that we are one species and should have the intelligence to be able to live together, peacefully, tolerantly and generously.

We're a very long way from that at the moment.

So, given that 'we are where we are', and we face a serious existential threat from Islamic extremists who seem to be hell-bent on some kind of take-over of the world, I wonder whether we should now recognise that we have, at least potentially, an 'enemy within' in the UK?

You might think that 5% of the UK population being Muslim is not a threat, yet. On the other hand you might think that an inexorably growing Muslim population could be a concern. And as usual those who shout loudest, even if they're a minority, seem to gain more traction and their views seem to become more represented politically than the vast majority of people who don't necessarily share the viewpoint.

Shout louder, even if your views are not those of the majority, and you win.

And generally speaking Brits are slow to rile, tolerant, loathe to 'make a fuss'. We have always accepted incomers, welcomed them, been generous to them.

It seems to me that this time it's a bit different. It seems to me that this time some people are using our tolerance against us. Taking advantage of us.

If one lives in the UK one accepts the laws of the land, benefits from our fair laws, our schools, our welfare system the opportunities we afford all of our citizens. Freedoms, almost, although I would argue about that perhaps.

It's not perfect by any means; there is one CCTV camera for every 11 people in our country. Our politicians take the piss in terms of allowances. There is a massive disconnect between 'us' and the people who supposedly work for us.


I think it's time that we asked 5% of our society about their views on life and the future. There is a lot of talk about 'extremist' Muslims in the Middle East. About this Islamist Caliphate. The Qu'ran states that Islam 'must' be expanded through conflict and war. That non believers are less than human and therefore deserve to die.

There is also much being said about 'moderate Muslims' who supposedly disagree with that philosophy. But, frankly, not much evidence of that being true.

I think it's time that we asked our so-called 'Moderate Muslims' what they believe in. And why they are not standing up against the atrocities being perpetrated in their name. I think it's time we engaged with their 'cultural' views that seem to have lead to young white girls being considered 'trash', to be exploited. That is not a British 'thing' and yet these people claim to be British. Is that because they buy-in to our culture or just our benefits system and healthcare? Someone has to ask that question - it might as well be me.

Unless they are prepared to stand up against issues like Sharia law in the UK, they are part of the problem, not the solution. Unless they are prepared to accept the views, values and (secular) beliefs of their host nation, we should send them home.

Wherever that is.

Thanks for reading.


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