Tuesday 5 August 2014

Moving on

Sorry to harp on about Israel and Gaza and all that, but it's important to all of us.

One way or another.

It seems to me that what's happening here is that the idiots are simply refusing to be left behind. We all remember the idiot kids in school who were forever fighting, bullying, playing the fool. Doing anything they could to disrupt proceedings in order to disguise the fact that they were, essentially, idiots.

And then we left school, moved away from these cretins and entered into life, got jobs, got married, had kids of our own, essentially we moved into another phase of our lives and forgot about the idiots since they were no longer relevent to us. We were now more mature and didn't mix with them and they were irrelevent anyway.

And by now they were asking us if we wanted fries with that, on the bins or in prison. And we were doing OK. Struggling, by design, working two day's a week for the government and, if we weren't careful, two further day's a week for the banks who had lured us into debt and interest payments via cheap credit but at least we had one day's income to feed and clothe ourselves.

Living the dream, standing on our own two feet, aspirational.

Relatively free, in our minds at least, the reality bears some further consideration. (another time perhaps).

Certainly free from religious doctrine and imperatives as was the case in our relatively recent history. We could (can) choose what we spend our meagre money on, wear what we want to, go where we want to, listen to what we want to, believe what we want to (or are told by our Main Stream Media (MSM) perhaps.

It's quite fragile but it works in many ways and, generally speaking, we're happy with the situation we find ourselves in.

And then, every few years, the idiots we thought we'd discarded, those we thought we'd moved on from, come back to haunt us. People who are jealous of our 'normal lives', people who want to disrupt our way of living and who want to impose their control over what we think and do.  Even though we don't want them to.

They're called Islamic extremists and they 'live' (although that's something of a lose way of describing it) in the Middle East and in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And they have not moved on into real life. They are stuck in the bullying disruption phase. They want to impose their will over us and they make convenient use of the sky fairy (religion) in order to justify their actions. They are, quite simply, the idiots we have moved on from.

And Israel is our front line agianst them. If Israel fails then we're next. Think about that the next time you take Hamas' side in this ludicrous conflict.

Thanks for reading

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