Sunday 15 June 2014


This is Tony Blair's piece tonight telling us what we should now be doing to address the deteriorating situation in the Middle East. The man who is our 'Middle East Envoy'. Who did more than almost anyone to create the massive problem that we now face. Whose actions, decisions and policies have clearly delivered the world to where it is now. And where it is now is utter chaos.

The man who said we would sort out the Middle East once and for all: who said we would not 'walk away' from ordinary people, who said we would create a better life for ordinary Iraqis; establish democracy, law and order. Would remove a dictator and allow the people to flourish. Would give them freedom.

In that goal he first agreed to go to war in partnership with his 'mate' George W Bush without consulting Parliament and without listening to the people of this country who rightly saw this endeavour as madness and who marched in their millions against the misguided and illegal conflict in Iraq.

He then 'fitted' the facts to endorse his false promise to Mr Bush; he had his minions like Alastair Campbell create the dodgy dossier, the 45 minute claim, the since disproved WMD claims. His government machinery hounded an ordinary man to taking his own life (if that is really what happened) in the cause of our fighting a war that has cost us hundreds of British lives and £billions of pounds and has resulted in the creation of a much bigger and more threatening mess than existed before we went to war.

And now he is telling us what we should do to solve the problem?

I'm sorry, I try my hardest not to swear in the writing of my blogs, but sometimes there is no alternative.

Tony Blair is an utter cunt. A war criminal. He needs to be jailed. His piece tonight (linked above) is the work of a man who is running scared of his just deserts. We should never ever listen to what he has to say again. We should take away his vast wealth generated on the back of our fallen soldiers and their devastated families, and we should lock the fucker away for good.

And forever. And we should never, ever allow anything he says to be made public.

He's a monster.

Thanks for reading.


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