Wednesday 19 February 2014

The Lib Dems

The Lib Dems are a bit of a conundrum aren't they? Pro the EU and so, by definition, anti the UK retaining its sovereign powers. Anti the ability of UK voters to have any real influence upon our laws. It seems to me that they'd rather give away our democratic powers to unelected Eurocrats in Brussels and Strasbourg.

And yet their power (such that it is) is derived solely from UK voters. 

They're also pro green in a massive way. They have bought in, hook line and sinker, to the AGW scam which essentially seeks to punish developed countries and hamstring developing ones in the cause of spending £billions to solve a problem that doesn't exist - and even if it does, a unilateral approach by the UK when major emitters like the US, Canada, China, India, Russia, Australia are not signed up, will have almost no effect on 'global warming'.

So they're fully signed up and committed to handing over control of our lives to unelected people in the EU and similarly committed to handing over control of our crucial energy policy to a climate change 'religion' that has no basis in fact.

Liberal? Democratic? Really?

In a world in which political - and moral - principle is in very short supply (from all sides) the Lib Dems have managed to plumb new depths.

They don't really stand for anything other than stuff that is diametrically opposed to their founding principles. They are peopled by crooks, chancers and deviants. And in the current coalition, have been promoted way beyond their capabilities. A man (Vince Cable) who will tell some (to him) giggly girls how he will 'fix' Rupert Murdoch to fan his ego, is not fit for senior office.

A man (David Lawes) who will continue to steal from the taxpayer so that his mum will not find out that he's gay, is pathetic.

A man (Chris Rennard) who has clearly groped his way through life in a perverse way, remains in office. A man (Mike Hancock) who is clearly a pervert, is under investigation.

Then there's Chris Huhne. A man so morally bankrupt that he'd lie about anything to save his skin.

And Ed Davey, a man with the sort of a grip on his portfolio (UK energy policy) that he'd give a French company, backed by the Chinese, a blank cheque on our future energy prices in a desperate attempt to keep the lights on.  And who is pushing the nonsensical green agenda as if there's no tomorrow? Muppet at best.

And now Clegg is 'talking' to Mr Miliband about a coalition with Labour after the next election. Having been part of a Tory-led, and Labour-denouncing, coalition during this term?


I am not a Labour supporter or admirer in any way, but I at least respect their misguided views. At least they stick to the principles that have run this country into the ground every time they have been in power. 

The Lib Dems don't have such principles. They will do anything to maintain any influence at all. They say if you sup with the devil, you should use a long spoon. Anyone who is prepared to sup with the Lib Dems should avail themselves of a pitch-fork.

Or a barge pole.

In order to have anything to offer another party, as a complete and utter political whore after the next election, the Lib Dems must have something to bargain with. And that means a significant, 'king-making', number of MPs with which to bargain.

I simply can't see that happening. I think the British people - Labour and Tory - have woken up to the utter unprincipled farce that the Lib Dems have become and will vote accordingly at the next election.

It's time we consigned the Lib Dems to the dustbin of our political history because they stand for nothing positive to the UK and are increasingly a national sick joke.

Thanks for reading.



  1. No problem with the thrust of your polemic from the other side of the political divide. It seems that Nick Clegg is showing his ladyparts towards Labour in advance of the next election. We see him as a filthy crack whore with whom you wouldn't go into a shop doorway. Not sure you feel the same though. ;)

  2. Ha ha! I do feel the same. They're a blight on the political landscape. Seems to me the Lib Dems only wear knickers to keep their ankles warm. ;)

  3. The first comment took what I was going to say!
    To come out and say "we will go into a coalition with Labour" should be their death knell. Ed M should publicly state that under no circumstances will there be a coalition with them (under current leadership), and in an ideal world Dave C would say the same.

    How Nick can see himself as viable by saying he will be friends with whoever wants him just so he keeps "power"....

    1. Agreed. Think I'd rather Labour won (which seems increasingly likely) than the Lib Dems having any influence at all.
