Saturday 15 February 2014

How long will this AGW farce go on for?

I see Mr Miliband(wagon) is now dedicating himself to achieving a consensus on climate change amongst the UK population. Tomorrow's Observer here and here.

I'm wondering how the UK spending £billions (of taxpayer's money) to reduce our carbon emissions, which amount to 1.6% of global emissions will save the planet and control the weather? Particularly when the world's major emitters - the US, China, India, Russia, Canada, Australia - are not joining in? Our total emissions are less than China's year-on-year increase - they're currently building a new coal-fired power station a week. So good luck with that Ed.

And the IPCC itself admits that the planet hasn't been warming for 16 years and that extreme weather events are not increasing. We've had some bad weather, some extreme weather, no doubt, but it's weather, not climate. We build on flood plains, we therefore need to manage and adapt to the challenges that presents in those areas. But this is not man-made global warming and nor is weather something that we can control.

How many predictions that have not subsequently come to fruition will it take before these idiots realise this fact?

What will it take for AGW scammers and scaremongers to accept that their 'incontrovertible' science that humans cause climate change is pure bollocks?

It's not science. It's politically-driven, funding- and tax- creating, mate-reviewed rubbish. And if you are in any way clued up about this issue you will know this.

How long will it be before we can get on with prosperity and making sensible use of our natural resources for the benefit of everyone on the planet? When will these fuckwits go away?

You might be able to ascertain that I'm a tad peeved about this stuff? I have put forward rational arguments, scientific fact about climate change and the fact that we cannot control our climate- and that's a good thing. If we could it would be about profit and not about benefits to people. More here.

Thank God that there is a higher being - it's called nature not God - that is in control of our eco-system. If it was down to 'men' we'd really be in the shit.

So what is the latest? They have effectively ditched 'global warming' as an issue because they cannot make the facts stack up - the globe has not been warming for 17 years despite their predictions of out-of-control warming based on CO2 level increases (which are happening).

So it's now 'climate change'. The climate has been changing forever, but now it's man-made and we can control it?

Think about that for a moment. The earth works because it achieves equilibrium. Plants 'eat' and grow because there is CO2 in the atmosphere. Animals (including us humans) eat the plants and the other animals who exist because they eat the plants. And they (we) emit CO2 as a fundamental part of this cyclical process. Which feeds the plants, and so we go on.

Is the earth warming? Yes it is. Is the earth cooling? Yes it is. But overall, is the planet warming beyond previously known parameters, because of man's effect on his environment?

There is absolutely no empirical scientific evidence that this is the case. None.

At all times since the world was young, climate has been changing. But if you look at the geological records by which I mean seriously long-term trends on temperature, there is simply no evidence that man's activity has any effect on global temperatures.  Temperatures have gone up, steeply in the past and have gone down steeply in the past.

If you measure the trend over 10,000 years the world has been warming slowly and marginally. If you measure it over 16,000 years it has been cooling, marginally and slowly. There is absolutely no evidence, based on a longer, geological time frame, that we are now in a crisis.

How many predictions based on models that are designed to deliver 'politically driven' outcomes and that are then shown to be inaccurate, completely false, will it take before people and governments relise that this is all hockum?

When reality doesn't matter... when what we're told, regardless of the facts, becomes the accepted norm, supported by the media including especially the BBC ('the science is settled') and when this scenario means that we are taxed to the teeth to try to solve an unsolvable problem that doesn't exist in the first place...

Then we're in the deepest of deep shit.

It makes the water levels in Somerset seem like a mere trickle by comparison.

Thanks for reading.




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