So what can you do?
You (we) win a free and fair referendum vote, the rules of which were clear and accepted by both sides and then the (our) Prime Minister vows to deliver it in full.
When pressed - because as a former Remainer, there is inevitably some doubt about her commitment - she repeats that 'Brexit means Brexit' time and time again.
Then she repeats, in parliament and elsewhere, countless times, that Brexit will also mean leaving the single market and the customs union and also means our no longer being under the rule of the European Court of Justice. And will also mean that we no longer pay in to the EU. (That particular lie has yet to be exposed, but believe me it will be quite soon).
She establishes a government department to handle the Brexit process and the kick-about begins: We express the desire to create an agreement that is in the interests of the EU as well as the UK. The EU states, time and time again, that it wants to punish us for wanting to leave.
We try to make accommodations to EU concerns, however trivial; they make no compromise and try to be as difficult as they can.
We give credence to their trivia and try to be as nice as we can - even though we know they need us and our trade as much as we need theirs. Its is infuriating and at times embarrassing but we can live with it so long as Brexit continues to mean Brexit. That whatever the embarrassment and humiliation we have to take along the way, we will eventually leave in full and be able then to make our own way in the wider world without being tied to the failing EU.
We can accept the obsequiousness of our government in its dealings with the EU, so long as we know we will attain our freedom at the end of the process.
And then, when the endgame begins, the white paper on our departure, being produced by the Brexit department - our position in the final round of negotiations - is simply dismissed by Theresa May.
Instead, without any warning, she introduces her own paper, produced by her own Remainer civil servants and the first thing she does with it is she shows it to Angela Merkel for her input and approval. Before our cabinet has even seen the document.
Then she gives what is by now almost a done deal, to her own cabinet, with two hours to read the 120 pages before it is discussed at Chequers and, by the way, she issues the threat that if anyone disagrees with it they will have to walk home as they will be sacked and stripped of their ministerial transport.
Now I know that is difficult to believe in a civilised C20th society. A modern government of grown-ups. But that is exactly what happened.
And what is the deal that Theresa and her tame, Remainer civil servants have now imposed on us? (subject to Parliamentary and EU approve of course. Yeah right).
We we will remain in a customs union. Not the customs union but a customs union with the EU so we won't be able to make our own International trade deals on our own behalf.
We will remain in a single market and have to abide by free movement. So we do not regain control of our own borders like a proper country.
We will adopt a common rule book wherein we will have to meet all EU standards for goods and services, even if we don't trade with the EU as a company and without having any means of influencing the rules because we are outside the EU.
And two further things that are not clear now, but will become so quite soon: We will continue to pay in to the EU over and above the ridiculous 'divorce bill' we seem to be resigned to paying and we will, by 2025 at the latest, have to give up the pound in favour of the Euro. As night follows day.
Don't believe me? Just watch. This is now inevitable.
Theresa May never had any intention of Brexit meaning Brexit. She has become the biggest traitor to the UK of all time.
And now, the disastrous position in which she has left the UK will see us falling down the world's economic and performance leagues precisely because of the Remain stance. We cannot trade on our own behalf with the growing economies of the world but will have to rely on the woefully slow and inadequate EU for our international deals instead. We will have to rely on Walloonia to agree before we can.
Remain will be entirely responsible for the coming calamities we will face. And while this is small comfort, we should never forget this and never fail to remind them of it.
Words cannot express how furious I am about this. A life-long Tory who will never vote for them again, indeed, I will do all in my power to campaign against these lying c*nts.
Not a word I ever use really, but no other will do right now.
Thanks for reading.
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