Wednesday 8 November 2017

Has she gone yet?

I was a supporter of Theresa May. I thought her 'strong silent' approach to governing; not reacting to Brexit bullshit, keeping quiet while others - the EU, British Remainers and the media including, in particular the BBC - were flapping about trying every angle of attack, was a good thing. I thought she was in control and a source of strength. I thought we were in safe hands.

I was wrong.

For background, my overriding issue for the past 30 years has been anti-EU. I believe that the demise of the EU will be wonderful for almost everywhere in Europe (except Germany obviously) in terms of giving the people of Europe back their sovereignty, freedom and hope for the future. I have been (and still am) vehemently anti EU because I love Europe. I love its diversity, culture, cuisine etc. I don't want everywhere to be Germany. That's my starting point.

So Brexit is very welcome to me, not just because it gives the UK back its sovereignty like a proper country, but also, perhaps even more importantly to me, because it heralds the end of this failing, corrupt, undemocratic EU project that has been terrible for everyone in Europe except Germany.

So, where are we now, and how did we get here?

In April and May of 2017 Theresa May was way ahead in the polls. The UK public was dialled-in to Tory policies and the Tory approach to governing, partly because Corbyn's Labour Party was clearly a throw-back to the 1970s and, given that backdrop, Tory policies were increasingly welcome to UK voters. There was talk of Labour being defeated and out of contention for a generation.

And then what happened?

Theresa and her advisors decided that she had such an unassailable lead in the polls that she could try to park her tanks on Labour's lawn and go for the traditional Labour voter as well as the Tory votes that seemed to be safely 'in the bag'. In effect they thought that they could take the Labour vote as well as the Tory vote and deliver a knock-out blow to Labour over and above the Tory-based majority that they felt was a foregone conclusion.

They got greedy. And that greed has now left us in the position where Corbyn and McDonnell's 1970s policies and political stance could well be what we end up with at the next election. The absolute opposite of what the vast majority of the country thought it was looking forward to after the election of earlier this year.

Because what these fuckwits did (Theresa and her advisors, so-called political experts), was to half abandon the Tory policies that the country wanted and instead 'go for' some of the left-wing Labour policies of old, in an attempt to win both sides of the argument.

What they actually did was lose both.

Because the Tory voter saw this as an abandonment of the values upon which she'd built her lead; an abandonment of the approach with which the majority of the population was comfortable, and a betrayal of the Tory values that were winning the day in terms of popularity in the country.

What the Labour voter - many of whom were leaning towards a right-of-centre approach to governing the country - saw, was Theresa May taking the piss out of them. Insulting their socialist integrity and treating them as if they could be bought with a few 'leftist' initiatives that were not genuinely held, but were being put forward in order to win their vote, but at the same time, to demean their long-held socialist beliefs and values.

And the wavering Labour voter saw this as her taking the piss. And I think they were right to do so.

So from a position of formidable strength, Theresa May (advised by absolute fucking idiots in my view) managed not only to lose her majority and her strength, but also managed to propel a previously unelectable Labour party into the current position where it is almost a shoe-in to be elected into government at the next election.

And, along the way - and of much more importance to me - she managed to jeopardise the whole Brexit process. Not just process but whether it will happen at all.

The Tories have effectively made an unelectable Labour Party electable. A party whose ministers and policies and people will take this country back decades - even Labour Party MPs think this. But as we have seen in recent days with people like Harperson, Adonis and Hyacinth, these lefties don't actually give a fuck about principles or the long-term good of the country, they just want to keep their snouts in the trough.

This has always been the case for Labour. They don't really care about the state of the country, the prosperity of its citizens, our credibility as a nation on the world stage, they just want power at any cost. They don't care about their voters; they don't care about poor people or equality. They just want to shove the noses of successful people into the dirt, whilst enhancing their own merit-free, achievement-free rewards and lifestyles.

The trouble I have with this, is that it is all Theresa's fault.

She has to go. And soon.

Has she gone yet?

Thanks for reading.

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