Sunday, 15 May 2016

Hitler would have wanted us to 'Remain'

 Only he wouldn't have given us a referendum of course.

Honestly the naivety of some people this morning following the BBC and other MSM quoting Boris making use of the word 'Hitler' is ridiculous. Maybe some facts might help?

Hitler led a socialist dictatorship (although he was elected by the German people, twice) whose aim was to take-over the continent of Europe and make the whole place a single country called Germany. It would have had a single currency, flag, anthem, army and government and the people would not have been able to democratically get rid of their government once the new state had been established. Former national governments would have been subservient to the central power in Berlin and would have been responsible for enacting and enforcing centrally created laws in their local 'regions' of Europe. They would have been answerable to the European/German government in Berlin.

Whereas the EU is a socialist dictatorship whose aim, via its 'ever closer union' policy, is to make the continent of Europe a single place with its own currency, flag, anthem, army and government. Once established (and this is true now) the people are unable to get rid of those who govern them via the democratic process, power is centralised in Brussels and national governments are increasingly subservient to the central power base, responsible for enacting and enforcing local laws handed down by Brussels.

The difference between the two is that we (the UK) opposed Hitler and fought a war for our own freedom and the freedom of the people of Europe; whereas we are now paying to support the EU and our government is campaigning to hand over our democratic freedoms and the UK's status as a self-governing, independent nation state to Brussels.

You can see where people might get confused between the two issues can't you?

We seem to be trying to airbrush Hitler from the lexicon, the word seems to have become like the 'N' word for some crazy reason. How can we learn from the mistakes of the past if the 'right on' brigade won't even allow them to be discussed? That seems to me to be very like Fascism.

Thanks for reading.

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