Saturday, 30 April 2016
So how do you register concern without being shouted down or threatened by the left?
Generally speaking I'm not a marcher - not at the drop of a hat anyway. I did attend the march against Mr Blair's illegal war back in the day, but that was a big issue for me.
Another big - and looming - issue for me is the change that the combination of uncontrolled immigration and a lack of integration could bring to our society if we allow things to go on as they currently are.
And my concern is not an Alf Garnet-esque anti foreigner thing - I believe strongly that the UK has benefited hugely from the introduction of new cultures, traditions, cuisine, music, clothing, fashion, people who have come to this country for centuries. These benefits have arisen because incomers have brought some of the best bits of their culture with them, and we have welcomed and celebrated and enjoyed them immensely. And these things have changed our society for the better over the years. They have enriched us as people and the UK as a place, making us more diverse and international in our outlook which is a massively good thing.
But what these former incomers - and I am a second generation Irish migrant myself - did not do, was ignore the established laws and values of the country to which they came. They came to share them: To share the freedoms and opportunities that they were afforded by the UK and in return to share some of the great things that their cultures had to offer, in a friendly, celebratory and law-abiding way.
What we face at the moment is not the same situation at all.
So, I am not anti immigration per sé, but I am concerned about this new - and growing - aspect of our society: It's not 'multi-culturalism' but a growing mono-cultural element that seems to me to have the goal not of fitting in and bringing the best of what its culture has to offer, but of effecting significant changes to what most of us Brits (of all ethnic or historical background) are signed up to and believe in. Changes to our society and values that I don't believe most of us in the UK really want - and in this group, I include many, perhaps most, of the people who are coming here to escape from the squalor, oppression and sheer shitholeness that (let's not duck the issue) Islam has delivered where they used to live.
This latest influx seems to me not to be about adding to our culture and diversity within our existing laws and values, but about changing it in a way that the vast majority of us simply do not want. By all means come here, bring and share your food, history, culture, religion even, but do so in a friendly - and above all law-abiding - way and not in a way which seeks to change our outlook on life and the world.
I know this sounds like pulling up the ladder, but it really isn't. I am vehemently anti Radical Islam (which is an utterly intolerant medieval death cult) but not anti Muslim (although I do sometimes wonder what contribution Islam can make to a modern western society in the 21st Century given its anti western culture, anti sport, anti music, anti fashion, anti women's equality, anti diversity - oh the irony - stance). Yes I have read the Qu'ran (or at least a translation of it, I don't speak 7th Century Arabic) and I have spoken to many Muslims about this issue.
My concern - taking as read an acceptance that all people are free in this country to follow one religion or another - or none at all - is not about religion as such; it is about law, although Islam does try to present itself as the arbiter of laws in Muslim society, so the two things are connected in some ways. And it is about tolerance - allowing others to pursue whatever beliefs or values they have, so long as this does not impinge on other people and remains within the laws of the land.
My concern is about those old British chestnuts of fairness, shared values and an adherence - because it keeps society together - to the rule of law. Laws that have been long in the making and upon which - it is obviously a continuously evolving set of rules - we are pretty much all agreed. These are the laws that make this country what it is and, I would suggest, make it somewhere that many people want to come and live because it offers levels of freedom and opportunity that simply do not exist in the places where many of these people are coming from and indeed trying to escape from.
My concern, therefore, is about some elements of the Islamic section of our society for whom our existing laws do not seem to apply - or at least are not being enforced, with potentially very dangerous consequences. And, for the avoidance of doubt, I'm not talking about the Radical Islam area of our growing Muslim communities here, but usually the more general day-to-day communities. This is why I am concerned: The ones who want to cut our heads off are highly dangerous, we can (just about) all agree on this. But whilst extreme and high profile, we are perhaps facing a greater danger from the low-profile law-breaking and insidious creeping lawlessness that is arising in our ordinary - one might say 'moderate' - Muslim communities - and which is being ignored by our 'authorities'.
This is why I'm concerned and why I'd like to demonstrate and highlight the issue in a way which might just make the government I vote and pay for, wake up to concerns which are held by a great many people in this country - perhaps even the majority of people in this country; but they (we) are being prevented from expressing these concerns by our increasingly vocal left wing rent-a-mob brigade who are not interested in even listening to these concerns, or allowing them to be voiced, much less engaging in any kind of civilised debate on our future as a nation.
FGM has been illegal in the UK since 1985. There are thousands of reported cases (reported, usually because hospital treatment is required) in the UK each year and yet there has not yet been a single successful prosecution for the practice in this country. In 31 years. How can that be?
Child brides are illegal in the UK, but the issue is growing and is largely ignored by the authorities. Polygamy is illegal in the UK - same response. The terrible issue of grooming white trash underage girls which has taken place in every major urban conurbation in the country over the past decade and more, has been largely ignored by the authorities and the main stream media (MSM) for fear, it seems, of offending the Muslim community. Electoral fraud and the take-over of schools by Muslim governors who want to introduce an Islamic curriculum, Honour killings, the introduction of Shar'ia law in parts of the country. The establishment of 'no-go areas' in parts of some of our biggest cities.
And these are factual issues: We have not yet had much experience of the ill-treatment of women by Muslim migrants in Germany and Sweden; we have not yet had the government directive that British women should change the way they dress or behave so as not to provoke people who have just arrived on our shores in order to partake in our generosity. What a fucking ridiculous situation that is by the way.
These are all clear issues which are in breech of UK law and yet are being largely ignored by the authorities. So just think about my stance for a moment if you'd be so kind: I am not suggesting that we need to introduce new laws or change the way we treat people so as to make life harder for our Muslim neighbours. I am not suggesting any course of action that would be inherently unfair to them. All I am advocating is that the laws which exist, which were here long before many of these people arrived and with which we all generally agree and adhere, should be applied evenly and consistently to all sections of our society and to all communities therein. Only by doing so can we build an equitable society in which everyone behaves and can live and work together. You can't have a fair British society in which one section can break the law with impunity, that's just not right and (therefore) not acceptable to the British psyche.
You may not be bothered about any of this, but I am: Everything I've listed above is illegal in the UK and goes against both the spirit and the letter of UK laws. Not my laws or opinions, but the laws of our land. But most either continue to be ignored (going unprosecuted) or have been ignored for many years and are only now starting to be addressed in response to public opinion.
Surely you must see that if the laws of our land are not upheld, firmly and consistently, it will undermine our society and give rise to conflict and turmoil on our streets. Brits are very slow to anger, slow to rile, but when they've had enough, they tend to act decisively and thoroughly. I think our government should actually act to uphold these laws and make sure that the poison that is created when people are allowed to get away with this shit is quickly and clearly removed from our society, so that we all know where we stand and there is no room for any ambiguity.
I think such a course of action would be good for everyone - including Muslims who are, one assumes, trying to make a better life for themselves than the one they left and ought, therefore to welcome being able to jettison some of the medieval practices they're fleeing from.
And I'd love to be able to register my concerns via the medium of a peaceful, respectful march somewhere.
The trouble is that the liberal, caring left, don't seem to want to allow this to happen anytime soon. They don't want to engage, or acknowledge that there is any kind of problem at all, they just want to shout me down, call me 'racist' (Islam is not a race by the way) or 'far right wing' (which I am not) and threaten violence against me.
How can this possibly be a good thing for our society? Shutting down free speech and the right to register one's concerns? It is a right that is exercised long and loud by the left on a regular basis but if one dares to take a different stance. a different view, one should be prevented from being heard? That's just fascism and its growth is creating a double whammy of danger, alongside (and protecting) the Islamic lawlessness that is threatening the very cohesion of our society.
Maybe it's time the police enforced the laws of our land - including the right of people to hold opposing views to the so-called Liberals, and the right to make those views known in a peaceful manner without being threatened with violence? Just a thought..
Thanks for reading.
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