Monday 16 November 2015

The next steps with Radical Islam: It is, quite literally, them or us.

I blogged last night here about how we should treat the atrocity in Paris as if it had occurred in London, or Birmingham or Manchester.

Essentially my view was (and is) that if it had been in the UK and not in the great city of Paris, the event would have concentrated our minds here in the UK in a way which would force us to get on with a proper response. Instead of which the chances are that we'll view this as a problem that has not touched us; that is a problem for France rather than an existential threat to all of us in the West.

My suggestion was that we should engage with our Muslim communities and ask the question 'whose side are you on?' - that is obviously short hand for asking the question about where their loyalties lie - to the laws of their homeland or to the teachings of the Qu'ran. And this is important because if it's the latter then we have a massive problem. But by asking the question we would at least be admitting to and identifying the problem, rather than continuing to ignore it which is what seems to be happening at the moment - a position that is largely being led by our national broadcaster for reasons that entirely escape me.

I was taken to task about my suggestions for a way forward by two valued twitter friends who were cogent - and most probably correct - in their view that such a move would create offence and possibly conflict in our society and would possibly exacerbate the problem.

I disagree with that assessment but I also understand the view. My suggestions were made on the basis of the 'fact' (I believe) that we cannot carry on simply appeasing Muslims in our society and expect a different outcome.

I didn't mention the following in my previous blog but I think I will do here. Because you see by appeasing our Muslim communities and turning a blind eye to some of their religious-driven behaviours we have actually achieved the opposite of what we set out to do which is to integrate these people into our country and our communities.  Female genital mutilation, honour killings, polygamy, child brides, the sexual grooming of young 'white trash' girls, the attempted take-over of schools to teach Islamic views, electoral corruption and the radicalisation of young Muslims to go and fight for ISIS, are things that have been allowed to happen in our society because we have turned a blind eye to them for fear of offending British Muslims.

I'm sorry but if we don't enforce our long-established laws - the laws upon which all Brits agree and live their lives, for fear of offending a small percentage of our population, then we will never be able to integrate these people into our society. Because they will believe that their own ways (which we find abhorrent) will not be stamped out. And we will then just create a divided society in which some laws are just not upheld - and that is a recipe for disaster and conflict and backlash.

But let me now cut to the bottom line - the 'next steps' as it were, following on from my blog of last evening. And please allow me to look at this from a slightly different angle in order to make my original point from that blog differently but with the same ultimate end-game.

It seems to me that 'the West' faces a serious, some might say existential threat form Radical Islam. These people are not seeking some sort of compromise or allowance from us but for our total subjugation. There is absolutely no room for any sort of compromise or agreement in this situation. The solution will be either that we are taken over and forced to live under Islamic law or we fight for our freedoms and eliminate the threat of Islam by eliminating it's Radical followers - those who believe in what Dave called a 'death cult' today.

There is no other possible solution. It is, quite literally a fight between us and them and there can be no compromise on either side.

And so here is the situation as it relates to the UK: We simply cannot give in to these people if we are to retain our modern, civilised way of life. There is no middle ground. And the threat is real and deadly as we have seen around the world in recent months and years. And killing ISIS in the Middle East is no longer a guarantee of our safety because they clearly have fighters embedded in our own countries.

So do we continue to turn a blind eye to breaches of our laws? Do we continue to ignore their Qu'ran or Sharia-justified practises, or do we - as I am advocating - engage with these people, tell them what is required if they are to be welcomed into our civilised society and ask them whose side they're on?

You see we face an extremely serious threat to our way of life. This is a time for 'Brits' to gather round, to agree on what is important to us and to our country and to identify what our fundamental values are. To gather round our supporters - people who value our British and 'Western' way of life so that we can unite in our opposition to Radical Islam.

It is a time for us to be united in our opposition to the 'death cult' as a country. And everyone who lives in this country faces this threat. It is time, in my opinion, that we were sure of ourselves, sure of our beliefs and sure of our neighbours. We are, after all, in this fight together.

And this is why we need to engage with our Muslim neighbours, to enable them to be, visibly and publicly on our side. It's time that we all stood together in our rejection of this threat. And by 'all' I mean British people of all denominations and faiths including most particularly, Muslims.

And if some people are not prepared to stand with us against this threat, they are themselves a threat to us. And we should deal with them as such.

Not engaging with these people, not finding out whose side they're on, will mean, ultimately that we are just storing up a problem for the future and that what has happened in Paris this week, will be a constant threat in the UK as well.

Yes I know this process of engagement might cause offence, might radicalise some people, but the bottom line is that we need to know where we stand. And if they are not prepared to stand alongside us, they will have to take their chance standing alongside our opponents.

There is, as I say, no other outcome or possibility.

And here's the thing. If you are a British Muslim (who came here to escape the death cult) why would you be offended by our needing/wanting to confirm your loyalty in the face of this massive threat to your homeland? I'd have thought that you would welcome the chance to publicly support your new homeland. If the question offends you, doesn't that tell us something about where your loyalties lie?

I'm sorry but if we are not prepared to ask a simple question in order to safeguard our people then we are already irretrevably lost.

Thanks for reading.

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