Saturday 22 August 2015

So where do you go on holiday these days?

This Middle East and immigration shit just got serious. Forget about the people drowning in the Med or terrorism running wild across the globe, it is now starting to impact on where Brits can go on holiday - it's getting that serious now. Something must be done about it.

OK, I'm being somewhat, and deliberately, facetious, but actually this is a question worth considering - and it is becoming a serious problem for a variety of reasons:

Given the terrible plight of tens of thousands of 'refugees' around the world, I understand that it might seem a bit trite or uncaring even to ask this question, but it is becoming something that is worthy of consideration in my opinion.

And of course it's not just about finding somewhere safe to take one's family on holiday, it is, more importantly, about where UK or 'Western' tourism will deliver much-needed money into the economies of holiday destinations, most of which are heavily reliant on the tourist dollar, pound, Euro, Yen etc.

Terrorism must now be having a serious negative impact on tourism in many places that have hitherto been major tourism destinations for Europeans. Places like Tunisia and Egypt in particular - countries whose economies rely very heavily on tourism must be taking a massive hit. And of course this is a deliberate policy of the terrorists to destabilise their economies and propagate anarchy. It is a scorched earth plan that effectively means that these and other countries cannot trade their way into prosperity by using their already very limited resources of sunshine, coastline, culture and history. What else do they have? Not much frankly.

And this is spreading either via reality or perception. Given what happened recently in Tunisia in particular, are Brits and other European really going to go on holiday to other north African, Arab/Muslim countries? I think not.

And this is spreading to southern Europe too. Are people really going to be booking holidays, a year from now, in southern Italy or Greece, Spain or southern France (Marseilles)? Or Turkey or Albania, Croatia perhaps?

An island in the med then? Cyprus? Sardinia, Malta?

In a year's time? I don't think so.

Further afield then? Thailand?

I think you're getting my point. It seems to me that Florida will be full to the gunwales this time next year as will Weston-Super-Mare. And if you do want to stay in Europe I think you'll be hiking in the Swiss mountains.

Just so long as you can get the car through Calais on the way down.

And the countries that you don't go to, including many in southern Europe, will be taking another massive hit on top of all the financial crap being piled upon them by the EU as this disease spreads northwards from Africa and the Middle East.

Maybe Scandinavia then? Sweden is lovely. But avoid Malmo and don't let your wife or daughter out of your sight for an instant.

What a fucking world we're allowing to be created. And we still seem committed to enforcing our 'tolerance' of others' intolerance as if it will all work out in the end. Trust me, it won't.

Thanks for reading.

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