Wednesday 12 August 2015

Islam and life. Are they compatible?

I don't know about you obviously, but I tend to think that you, like most of us, want to enjoy your life?

Do good things of course, have some fun, maybe have kids if you want to? Help them to be happy and fulfilled; make the most of your own short time here on earth? Experience lots of things, partake of good food and wine, travel a bit and see the amazing world we live in. Experience different cultures, meet new people, people who are different from you, people who might have a different and interesting outlook and from whom you might be able to learn something interesting and positive about your fellow humans.

You might want to enjoy music, the arts, great things that creative humans have produced. You might be into competitive sports, or just take part in them for recreational purposes? You might enjoy the highs and lows of supporting a football or cricket or rugby team. You might love the theatre, comedy or opera, film or drama. Soaps? It takes all sorts to make a world.

You might want to swim with dolphins or climb the highest mountains or just take a walk in the beautiful countryside with your faithful dogs and loving family.

You might want to ski, or fly or read great literature, or study history or geography, because they're interesting. You might want to visit important historical sites and to marvel at past cultures.

Whatever floats your boat as they say - you can do. If you really want to.

So you're now slightly perplexed about the title of the blog aren't you?

My question is how many of these life enhancing things are even allowed under Islam?

If it was the religion of 'fun' or 'enjoyment' or 'fullfilment' or of 'freedom' it would be worth considering as an option. It simply isn't. And nor is it the religion of peace. It's the religion of barbarism, of violence and of control (especially of women) but actually of everyone who signs up to it - and many don't have any choice in the matter at all. Peace? Freedom? Bullshit.

It is, quite simply, the religion of a terrible, joyless, wasted life. It's the religion of depravity, of exploitation (especially of children and young girls) and yet we are apologising for it and trying to 'make' people accept it or be 'tolerant' towards it?

This is a scam. A disease. By trying to create an environment in which Islam (you can substitute the term 'Radical Islam' here if you wish) is accepted and accommodated in the UK (via politics and the media) we are actually delivering the same horrendous, pitiful lives to people who are coming here in order to escape the 'disease' in their countries of origin.

Islam is a nightmare from which most of its believers must long to be delivered if they have any idea of what kind of happy, enjoyable, interesting and fulfilled lives they could have. Indeed they will risk everything to come to 'the West' in pursuit of these values, freedoms and opportunities. To live under laws that are not draconian but largely 'fair' (particularly in comparison to where they come from) and in the hope of enjoying better healthcare, education opportunity and freedom from servitude.

And what do they find when they get here? They find the same bullying, controlling 'community leaders' they fled from. Using the same religious bullshit to control their lives all over again. Because our determination to tolerate this medieval doctrine has undermined our values, laws and the society that these people were seeking.

There might conceivably be elements of their former lives that these people would like to find in their new homeland - food, music, culture (such as it is), perhaps even the freedom to follow their religion in its (to them) purest sense. If one is brainwashed from birth that one's religion is the 'true word of God' and that turning one's back on it will lead to eternal damnation, it will be difficult to give up. But what these ill-educated, brainwashed people probably don't realise is that it is this religion, this Islam that has caused their countries of origin to be such shit holes in the first place.

And that having become one of the lucky few who actually get here, they now find themselves part of the process of making this country an equal shithole to the one they were trying to escape from.

This may be a controvertial thing to say. But I think what these people want to find when they get to the UK is not their own culture. Not the culture they're fleeing from, but the culture, the welcome, the freedom and the friendliness for which Brits are famed. I also happen to think that this is what we want out of the situation too. We want to be able to welcome and to trust our new neighbours, to help them if we can. To welcome them into our society as valued members of it.

We don't want to have to 'tolerate' people, we want to be able to live with them, befriend them, live with them. Get to the point where we can take the piss out of them sometimes, in a way which doesn't cause offense because they know - are confident enough - to understand that it is being done in a way which says: 'you know what? You guys are OK'. And perhaps more importantly so that they can respond not with a march or a demo, but by taking the piss out of us in return.

Instead of this we have become so politically correct in the name of 'tolerace' that everyone is constantly walking on egg shells in order not to cause offence. This is not creating understanding, it is creating division. It is not creating community it is creating conflict.

Let's stop giving it any respect at all. Let's condemn it as what it is - it's the religion of terror, of wasted lives and of the desolation of the human spirit. It condemns culture, it destroys historic sites, outlaws the enjoyment of music and other arts, it wants to stop people from being educated in anything other than its medieval, controlling and fundamental religious doctrines. It abhors freedom - of speech, of thought, of action. It outlaws fun and sport and enjoyment, literature and the arts, history and invention. Progress as a species. If it has its way we will be living in burned-out caves, cowed down before a made-up God who doesn't want us to do good things just to be subservient to Him.

Why are almost no people trying to get into Islamic countries - other than a few idiots who really have no idea what they want - to the extent that we're trying to prevent them from going at all? Why are they all trying to get to the West? To freedom and opportunity. It cannot, surely, be simply so that they can undermine and destroy our freedoms? It must be because they want to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that we do. But unfortunately, when they get here they find that others have already arrived and are instead intent on controlling their lives and making money out of their subservience in another state. Because they can do that 'at home'.

So, having handed over their life savings, everything they have, to escape the medieval controlling regimes of the Middle East in order to get to 'the West' they find themselves in exactly the same position they were fleeing from. And our western Governments do nothing. They actually promote the existence of these 'communities' in our midst. The very kinds of regimes that these poor people were trying to get away from.

And because of the bullying, the threats, the use of religion to subdue these people, who are adrift in a foreign land without resources, their 'escape' becomes nothing of the sort. It just becomes imprisonment in a different country.

Little wonder that their kids grow up to hate this country. No wonder that schools become hotbeds of terror. No wonder that they go back to the middle East that their parents fled in order to fight against us.

It is because what they find when they get here is not the freedom, protection, choice and opportunity that they believed we offer and represent, but a society that has become so tolerant of Islamic intolerance, so accepting of the religious crap that we would not for one moment accept ourselves but allow to fester in our inner cities, that they're simply no better off.

In many cases they're worse off because they have to follow Islamic laws which are probably more closely policed here than they are in the Middle East, and our own laws at the same time. In the Middle East they only have to (pretend to) abide by one set of laws, here there are two sets.

And instead of finding the freedom and opportunity that they believe 'the West' offers, what they find is the worst of all possible worlds. They can see and almost touch the freedoms they believed in, but are prevented from accessing them by bullies in their own communities. And our governments do nothing to deal with the problem.

In effect, our liberal, politically correct desire to introduce tolerance is exactly what these people don't want. They didn't risk everything to bring themselves and their families to a place that is (for them, in many of our inner cities) just as much of a shithole with no way out than the one that they left.

Why does our government think that it is? Why does our government think that these people risked life and limb to come to a country that delivers - for them - exactly the same problems and servitude as the one they were so keen to leave?

It's time we told Islam to fuck off. And by 'we' I mean not just us in the West, but, more importantly, all of the downtrodden Muslims who currently follow this absurd faith.

Thanks for reading.

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