Tuesday 3 March 2015

It's not 'gangs of men', it's gangs of Muslim men. And it's all over the country.

You know these gangs of men who are sexually grooming young white girls all over our country? Vulnerable white girls, often in care or from broken homes? As young as 11 but in extreme cases as young as 6?

Girls who are exploited and plied with drugs and alcohol and raped and then offered to 'friends' within the group and then raped again. Over and over. Girls whose lives are being inexorably wrecked forever and for whom we have a duty of care. They could easily be our daughters; they are our fellow citizens.

Money hardly matters in these circumstances, but it is worth saying that we are paying our taxes to pay for people to protect these girls. We are paying for our police and our social services people and our local authorities to protect these girls and to provide for them and to ensure that they can overcome their problems and live a decent life and ideally, become good citizens in spite of their troubled start in life. They are vulnerable and we rightly contribute our taxes to ensure that they are housed, fed, educated, protected. This is a civilised, modern society after all.

So, here is the news. Gangs of men - Muslim men, mainly but not exclusively of Pakistani origin, are committing these hideous crimes. And our 'authorities' are turning a blind eye to it. The police, social workers, local authorities, central government and the media - especially the BBC - are not just ignoring the issue but denying that it exists.

And they are doing so because to recognise that this is a massive problem for our society, that hundreds of young girls are effectively being thrown to the wolves, might offend a religious group in our society, namely Muslims. So we'd rather allow these hideous crimes to continue in every city in our land where there is a Pakistani Muslim community, than to protect these young vulnerable girls?

We'd rather - and remember if you will that this is being done by our authorities and our national broadcaster the BBC - that young girls were raped and exploited and that these criminal gangs were ignored so that we don't cause any offence to followers of Islam.

It's time we locked up not only the perpetrators but the people who enable this to (continue to) happen. 

It is also high time that we looked more closely into the communities amongst us who bring up boys to believe that they have more value than females on religious grounds and who perpetuate the belief that non-Muslim white girls are 'trash' or 'animals' or third class citizens who can be exploited with impunity.

We cannot have this shit happening in our modern British society. We're better than this. And it's time we recognised that some people must either step up to our civilised standards or be thrown back into the swamp from which they came. I know that sounds harsh, but so is fucking an 11 year old girl and then sharing her with your Muslim mates.

Thanks for reading.

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