Sunday 8 February 2015

The bottom line with Islam

We have a different mindset in 'the West' from those who support Islam.

Our view is that we observe the rule of law in the lands in which we live and we accept people who have different beliefs from our own as long as they have a live and let live attitude to what we do. It's a reciprocal arrangement. Do what you want behind closed doors or in your religious houses, but whilst I won't infringe upon your beliefs and activities, you must agree not to infringe upon mine.

That's just how we are. Generous, tolerant, friendly.

Now compare that approach with what happens in lands that are dominated and controlled by Muslims. Are Christians or Jews welcomed? Tolerated? Or persecuted and killed?

Are people who renounce their Muslim religion respected and wished well, or called apostates and killed?

And yet you advocate tolerance towards Muslims?

Actually I do too, so long as those Muslims share my values of law abiding tolerance as set out above. So where are they? If they are in the UK, they're unique in the world.

Our tolerance is actually being used against us to promote intolerance. How does that sit with your PC outlook? 

Thanks for reading.

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