Wednesday 4 February 2015

Is not responding to Radical Islam's extreme provocation about strategy or fear?

One has to wonder what it might take for 'The West' to say 'enough is enough' as far as Radical Islam is concerned? (I'm including ISIS in this definition - if you know different/better, let me know).

If the televised beheading of journalists or aid workers is not enough, or executing cartoonists in their offices or Jews in a grocery store in France: Gunning down Canadian soldiers, holding people hostage in Sydney Australia, or the attempted beheading of a British soldier on the streets of London, isn't, then what is enough? Well there's always burning a man alive - and broadcasting the event via social media as happened this evening.

From the Radical Islam point of view this is clearly a tactic that is designed to shock, terrify and provoke people in the West. It's their version of 'hearts and minds' but typically, it's not about delivering food or opportunity or equality and democracy, but delivering terror.

However, if you think about it, all 'we' did in Iraq and Afghanistan was to deliver death and terror before we walked away having failed to embed any kind of civilised societal structures in those countries when we had the chance to do so. Well done Dubbya and Bliar.

However the extreme provocation we're currently witnessing seems to me to be Radical Islam's way of hitting the West as hard as it can given its lack of conventional military capability. And arguably it's working.

I think it's inconceivable that there aren't groups of Radical Muslims in the UK planning some kind of atrocity on our streets at this very moment. Some serious and credible plots have been foiled in the past couple of years but will we go on being 'lucky' forever? I seriously doubt it.

So why aren't Western governments doing anything about this threat? One of the sides involved clearly sees itself as being 'at war' with us, and yet we will not even admit that there is a real problem. Our politicians and main stream media (MSM) use terms like 'lone wolf' and 'this has nothing to do with Islam' when it's quite clear to any rational thinker that this has everything to do with Radical Islam and its interpretation of the Quran. That is what is driving this whole situation and yet we seem to be in denial. Why?

It seems to me that there can only be two possible reasons for this. One is that ignoring these barbaric acts and increasingly extreme provocation is part of an agreed strategy by the West in some way to starve these radicals of publicity and recognition in the hope that, eventually, they'll turn on themselves (even more than they already are) and disappear as a threat to us and our way of life. How's that going chaps? No wonder they want to control the Internet and social media. But that particular Genie is well out of the bottle now.

So it really cannot be that reason can it?

The other alternative is much less comfortable. It's fear pure and simple. Radical Islam is clearly trying to provoke a response from the West. It wants us to go to war against it. To declare war. Condemning 'in the strongest possible terms' yada yada is not really saying anything. They want us to declare war on Radical Islam. Why do you think they want this? Can you deny that this is really - and clearly - their goal? Why else are they making their barbarity so public and so taunting towards us?

It's because they want - are desperate to - provoke a war between the West and Radical Islam.

Now why would they want to do that? Given that we have military power, jet fighters, smart bombs, drones etc?

And why are we so reluctant to pick up their thrown 'glove on the ground'?

Modern conflict is not about two lines of troops and tanks facing each other across no-man's-land: It's become about terror on the streets and about enemies living within the communities they seek to destroy. 'Sleepers' perhaps or 'an enemy within'. Which if you think about it, is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to beat with conventional forces.

Does ISIS and Radical Islam believe it has enough 'sleepers' in place, in Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, the UK and the US to win this war? And is our reluctance to engage, in spite of the barbarity we see on an almost daily basis, because we think they might be right?

It's a bit of a doomsday scenario I admit, but are you sure I'm wrong? Can you explain why we won't engage in the light of a clear and present danger to our populations?

Remember one thing, these radicals see death as a glorious event. Martyrdom as an entry into eternal paradise. They don't fear but embrace death. And they cannot be negotiated with unless one is prepared to give total submission to Allah and to Islam. To pray (live) on our knees five times a day and for the rest of the day if we're honest.

And if we lose? I've posted this before but it's such a strong image imo.

I think we will have to fight to defend our values and way of life. I think many innocent people, Christian, Jewish and Muslim will lose their lives as a result of this battle which we didn't instigate and don't want. But if we don't fight for freedom, we'll lose it.

Time is running short and we will have to stand up to these barbarians soon. Sadly.

The alternative is not worth contemplating.

Thanks for reading.

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