Monday 5 January 2015

Dave's EU bullshit is turning me away from voting Tory in May. I'd be surprised if I was alone in this

Another week, another suggestion by Dave that he'll hold an 'in-out' referendum sooner if we'd just do the decent thing and vote for him in May.

Yes we want a referendum Dave but we don't just want that. We want out.

You don't seem to be able to understand that.

What he's currently saying is: vote for me and you'll get the referendum you want, although I will bring the full force of the UK establishment (including the pro EU BBC and other main stream media [MSM] ) to bear against you in our efforts to keep the UK inside the failing EU project.

And that we (he) will also ignore the fact that the EU currently spends more on advertising (pro-EU obviously) than Coca Cola in the UK as part of this process, in order to make sure there is no chance of a level playing field or a truly informed vote on the subject.

Essentially what he's advocating at the moment is that he'll allow us to have a say on what is quite clearly (if only you really understood it) the biggest issue we face as a nation and as individuals, but that he'll win the vote to 'stay in' by disbarring MPs and ministers from having a free vote and by campaigning for his preferred outcome regardless of the success or failure of his EU renegotiations.

This approach does two things: Firstly it makes his 'essential-for-the-UK' renegotiations certain to fail: If the EU knows (and it does) that Dave will campaign for us to 'stay in' regardless of whether they allow his renegotiations, they will, sure as eggs is eggs, ignore his feeble requests for some UK leeway on the ever burgeoning federal Europe project.

They are irrevocably set on a course of creating a single European state with a flag and an anthem, a single European defence force, a single currency which means a single tax rate, welfare and benefits system that will require the integration of corrupt former eastern European countries and many others like Greece who have a less cohesive view on taxes, pensions, retirement ages and work ethics than we currently adopt.

I'm not necessarily criticising Greece or other (former soviet) countries here, but I am saying that their economic approaches are not models that we have based  our prosperity upon (and fought for, several times). What I am saying is that being tied to these countries means that we will inevitably be taken backwards in order to tackle the corruption and inefficiencies that we thought we'd left behind.

The second thing it does is that it (tries to) sell us a pup. If Dave gets his renegotiations accepted by the EU (in full) that means changes to immigration laws (freedom of movement), an opt out of future EU laws, a return of sovereignty to the UK parliament, changes to the welfare system that recognises priority for UK citizens; the ability to make our own trade deals with the rest of the world instead of having to go through the endless miasma of the EU machinery, it will be a modern-day miracle of such proportions, I can't think of anything massive enough to compare it to - passing Mr Pickles through the eye of a needle perhaps?

It won't happen. You know it. I know it. So let's stop pretending.

Dave is essentially trying to sell us a pup. Many people will read the Grauniad and the Telegraph and believe what he's saying, but it's all utter bollocks.

If you think the EU is a good thing, fair play to you. If you think it's an existential threat to the UK and our hard fought for way of life I'd tend to agree with you. If you think it's not a real issue, not very important, about straight bananas and low-powered vacuum cleaners, you should, I think, do some research.

Here's a starter for you: we pay £28 million a day (net) and have done for 40 years. Can you tell me one single benefit we have received from being in the EU? That £28 million a day (net) wouldn't have paid for? Clean beaches perhaps? We could have paved our promenades with marble and chlorinated the English Channel for that amount of money.

Can you justify in any way that most of our laws are being made in Brussels by people we didn't vote for and can't vote out and who will never have heard of the city, town or village in which you live, let alone will understand your daily issues?

I'd genuinely welcome your views if so. But I'm not expecting many respondents.

Dave holds all of the aces in this renegotiation - the UK is the EU's biggest customer to the tune of £46 billion a year (trade deficit in Europe's favour in 2013). They cannot afford not to trade with us if we left their cozy club. They cannot afford to impose any kind of trade sanctions, otherwise they're (technical term) fucked. Even with the UK inside the tent as their biggest customer they are essentially in deep technical trouble especially in southern Europe.

The question is why Dave won't use this position of power in order to get what he calls 'vital' renegotiations for the UK?

And the answer is that he's signed up to this stupid EU project, as have most politicians and most of our MSM, regardless of what the 'ordinary' people want. Not just ordinary Brits but massively increasing numbers of ordinary Europeans have realised too.

Your call Dave. But in an election year when you have to consider what people really think, this bullshit really will not suffice.

Thanks for reading.

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