Monday 15 September 2014

New York Climate summit next week. Expect more bullshit.

Here is a link to a website about the upcoming climate summit in New York next week. Another attempt by Obama, Dave, the UN and it's poodle the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) to breathe new life into this farcical global control initiative that is now being largely discredited not by 'science', but by the reality of no global warming happening on the ground.

The 'climate scientists' have simply no explanation for the current pause in global warming (man-made or otherwise) which, at 17 years and 10 months is now almost as long as the previous cyclical, and entirely predictable warming period (1977-1997) upon which Al Gore based his ludicrously unscientific Inconvenient Truth mockumentary.

You'll note that the world's biggest emitters of CO2, China and India are not attending and nor are the independent-thinking first world nations of Canada and Australia, both of which have woken up to this global scam which is much more about the UN's Agenda 21 single world government initiative than any kind of real science or real threat to the planet. 

Meanwhile Obama, Ed Miliband (who introduced the Climate Change Act in the UK in 2008), our totally inept Energy Minister Ed Davey and even, sadly Mr Cameron continue to advocate hamstringing developing countries and making our own industries uncompetitive by denying them access to cheap reliable fuel sources. Literally tilting at windmills.

The UK under Ed Davey seems to think that reducing our emissions at massive cost will save the planet. To put that in perspective, we emit around 1.7% of global CO2 annually - a figure that is dwarfed by the year-on-year increase in output by China. Madness.

The web-page has a video at the bottom which is a real 'Janet and John' and patronising take on the issue. Below are my responses to the points made in the video.

6 common myths about climate change:

1.     The earth can’t be getting warmer because it’s cold out.

It’s not getting warmer, hasn’t been for 17 years and 10 months. It’s been cooling since 1997.

‘Some scientists think…’  Some, think? Where is the evidence? There isn’t any.

2.     The climate has changed before. This change must be normal too.

It is. Temperatures have been significantly higher and lower than they are now, overall the trend is very marginal. If you start from 10,000 years ago the planet’s surface temperature has been warming very marginally. If you start from 16,000 years ago, it has been cooling marginally. Nothing in today’s fluctuations is out of the norm of cyclical temperature changes.

There is no empirical evidence that humans are causing the bulk of climate change (rising or falling temperatures).  And to think that we can control the earth’s climate is arrogant in the extreme. The planet achieves equilibrium over time – if you need proof of this, it’s that you exist.

CO2 is at the highest level it has been in human history, but not in the history of the planet, not by a very long way.

3.     The Sun is responsible for global warming.

If the sun didn’t exist there would be no warmth on the planet at all. No life, no energy, no resources. The cooling of the past almost 2 decades coincides with reduced solar activity in a cyclical way that has been going on forever.

Scientists’ studies conclude the sun’s activity doesn't account for the current climate shift. What climate shift. Following a period of cooling up to 1974 when these ‘scientists were predicting a coming ice age, the warming period until 1997 has now been replaced, as per the ongoing cycle that has been going on forever, by a period of cooling that is still going on.

4.     Climate change is actually good for us

More people die each year from the cold than the heat, by a massive margin. Higher temperatures (even if they’re not happening) would mean longer growing seasons and more food production worldwide and less need for energy to keep us warm.

Flooding and drought episodes are not increasing globally; the opposite is happening.

'Especially the case if emissions aren’t reduced and temperatures increase at a rapid pace.' Emissions aren’t being reduced and temperatures are not increasing at all.

5.     CO2 can’t be dangerous because plants need it.

There has been a measurable ‘greening’ of the planet, particularly in Asia over the past 15 years – more, healthier plants, more food more wildlife.

‘Research has shown (what research?) that too much CO2 may cause plants to suffer and crops may become less nutritious’. ‘May’? Plants having more of the building blocks of life will become less healthy? Show me the data. This is utter bullshit.

6.     Scientists don’t agree about climate change.

The ‘scientists’ who derive their funding and income from ‘proving’ that man-made climate change is real do certainly agree about climate change. They’re paid to. But this isn’t science, it’s fitting the data via computer models, not even real observations about what is actually happening on the ground to try to ‘prove’ a pre-ordained result.

The figures for scientific agreement are entirely skewed by only measuring responses from scientists who derive their income from ‘climate science’.  

Some more date in support of my comments can be found here, here and here. The last one covers the 'scientific consensus issue. 

A broader piece on the background to this whole issue (by me), here and  looking at a geological timescale, can be found here.

And Berkeley professor Richard A Muller on the scientific consensus here

Thanks for reading, keep warm if you can as the earth cools.  

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