Saturday 6 September 2014

I don't really care how long you've been here, unless you agree with British values you don't belong

I'm a first generation immigrant. From Ireland. I don't have the Oirish brogue since I was born here. I am a Brit. I believe in this country, in its laws and values. I rail against politicians and bankers taking the piss. I rail against the many stupidities of our government, the surveillance, the allowance of our laws to be made by the EU and not by us. The disconnect between those who supposedly work for us, and the people whose interests they should be serving.

But I do have a basic pseudo religious set of values in what is increasingly our modern secular society. I believe in right and wrong, in fairness, in allowing opportunity for people who work hard but don't exploit, who create wealth, who, essentially pay for everything. I believe in helping people who are worse off as a safety net but not as an entitlement to life-long benefits requiring no personal effort or contribution to the society in which we all live.

We've welcomed immigrants here for centuries; they have contributed massively to our culture and diversity. Immigration is and has always been a good thing.

But let me say this: If you live here you must accept certain British values. You must take on board our view of the world and our basic approach to fairness and doing what's right.

If you don't, you're an outsider. If you don't you can probably get away with it by keeping quiet and just benefitting from your status as a Brit. And that's OK I suppose, not ideal, but OK.

But if you ignore a threat to the British way of life. If you stand by and accept - actively or passively - the undermining of our values and beliefs, you're undermining this country.

If you don't share our values, why did you come here? If you won't stand up for our way of life - even if you benefit hugely from it - you're just 'taking' and not contributing or doing what you will probably laughingly call your 'duty'.

If you're exploiting our values and our way of life and not putting anything back, we will eventually wake up to that fact.

So, stand up to extremists. It's a fundamental British thing and you are British right? This is what we believe in. Fairness to all. Men, women, LGBT, people of different beliefs and outlook, but all under the purview of UK values and laws.

If you can't accept and more importantly stand up for that, I don't care how long you've been here, you're not one of us.

And you should, therefore, fuck off to somewhere where your values are more accepted. It might mean a poorer lifestyle for you and your family, but if that's your belief, that's up to you. Why should we deliver you a better lifestyle in order that you can undermine our values?

Thanks for reading.

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