This is Tony Blair's piece tonight telling us what we should now be doing to address the deteriorating situation in the Middle East. The man who is our 'Middle East Envoy'. Who did more than almost anyone to create the massive problem that we now face. Whose actions, decisions and policies have clearly delivered the world to where it is now. And where it is now is utter chaos.
The man who said we would sort out the Middle East once and for all: who said we would not 'walk away' from ordinary people, who said we would create a better life for ordinary Iraqis; establish democracy, law and order. Would remove a dictator and allow the people to flourish. Would give them freedom.
In that goal he first agreed to go to war in partnership with his 'mate' George W Bush without consulting Parliament and without listening to the people of this country who rightly saw this endeavour as madness and who marched in their millions against the misguided and illegal conflict in Iraq.
He then 'fitted' the facts to endorse his false promise to Mr Bush; he had his minions like Alastair Campbell create the dodgy dossier, the 45 minute claim, the since disproved WMD claims. His government machinery hounded an ordinary man to taking his own life (if that is really what happened) in the cause of our fighting a war that has cost us hundreds of British lives and £billions of pounds and has resulted in the creation of a much bigger and more threatening mess than existed before we went to war.
And now he is telling us what we should do to solve the problem?
I'm sorry, I try my hardest not to swear in the writing of my blogs, but sometimes there is no alternative.
Tony Blair is an utter cunt. A war criminal. He needs to be jailed. His piece tonight (linked above) is the work of a man who is running scared of his just deserts. We should never ever listen to what he has to say again. We should take away his vast wealth generated on the back of our fallen soldiers and their devastated families, and we should lock the fucker away for good.
And forever. And we should never, ever allow anything he says to be made public.
He's a monster.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday, 15 June 2014
Monday, 9 June 2014
You know when you go to live in a different country...
This is a blog about the Islamification of UK schools - it's not a simple issue but I think there are some clear principles at stake here. I am not trying to offend anyone, just to consider the issues in a calm way. Warning, may contain some swear words.
As I understand it, ex-pats have 'British' schools to teach their kids when they're overseas in many parts of the world - in places where significant numbers of Brits are working or serving at embassies etc. The difference with these arrangements though, is that the work is temporary and the parents remain British nationals and essentially British residents, as opposed to going to these places to live permanently.
My sister lives in France and her daughter goes to a French school - they 'live' there and even were it possible in rural Normandie, for a 'Brit school' they would chose for her to attend a local French school. They are (and want to be) part of the community in which they live - it's why they went to France to live.
I also realised just recently - it was not something that I had previously really thought about (which is telling) - that I am a first generation immigrant to the UK - my dad is Irish, a Mayo man, from Westport and Ballina, via Galway to the UK.
That doesn't necessarily mean I know the square root of fuck all about the 'small print' of immigration but I'm just establishing my credentials.
The reason why I haven't realised my status as a first generation immigrant before now is that it's simply never been an issue for me. I was born here and whilst I am half Irish and proud of my Irish ancestry, I am essentially English or British, have been schooled here and have taken on the values of my host nation. I am also proud to be British and English - my only dilemma comes when England plays Ireland at Rugby Union, but that's not a major problem, it gives me two shots at the Grand Slam!
I'm rambling (you may have noticed?) because this is a difficult issue and not everyone will agree. But if I just tell you what you want to hear all the damn time, then I'm wasting it, yours and mine. So here goes.
I do genuinely understand that when a community (as is under the spotlight currently in Birmingham) is predominantly populated by people of the Muslim faith; when almost all of the kids who attend a particular school are from that background, that the likelihood is that the local school will reflect that demographic.
It's inevitable. And if enough people in a community want that to be the case then it is very difficult to argue against it and remain true to the principles of democracy.
But here's the rub. If you choose to up sticks and go and live in another country because it affords you a better chance in life, provides better opportunities for your kids, better healthcare, more freedoms than you might have enjoyed in your country of birth, surely part of the deal is that you will adopt the laws and values of that country?
That doesn't mean you have to give up your religion - that's largely a private matter between you and your God - but it does, in my opinion, mean that you accept the language, lifestyle and history of your new 'home' country instead of trying to import laws, politics and history from the country on which you are turning your back.
Why, fundamentally, would you want to create the same environment in you new, freer, more prosperous, more caring and more opportunity-providing host nation, as exists in the country from which you're trying to escape?
It seems to me that this is a two-way street. Controlled immigration is a good thing. It enhances our nation; it has been going on forever and has made us what we are today - tolerant, forward-looking, generous, diverse.
But when we offer a welcome to incomers, I think we do so on the basis that they have come here to integrate with us, to enjoy what this country has to offer and to contribute to it; to respect our laws, values and history. When you come and expect to establish your own closed communities, your own laws, your own, sometimes extreme, religious beliefs and doctrines, you are simply not keeping your side of the bargain.
Norman Tebbit made the now infamous comment about which cricket team you support if you live in England. It was a good point but I really don't have a problem with it as an issue. Sport is above politics, but the underlying message was a strong one.
If you are trying to change your new 'host' country in a way in which the majority of its residents don't want, then you're reneging on the fundamental deal. It seems to me that this is what is happening in Birmingham schools and probably in many other parts of the UK as well.
We Brits are very tolerant, very slow to rile, but we also have a very strong sense of what's right and what isn't. We really loathe being taken for mugs, having our own generosity thrown back in our faces, having our generosity used to do us harm.
It's time, in my opinion, for the 'vast majority' (we're told) of Muslims who share our British values to stand up and be heard. This is now getting to be really important. You don't stop bullies by backing off. Remember that.
Thanks for reading.
As I understand it, ex-pats have 'British' schools to teach their kids when they're overseas in many parts of the world - in places where significant numbers of Brits are working or serving at embassies etc. The difference with these arrangements though, is that the work is temporary and the parents remain British nationals and essentially British residents, as opposed to going to these places to live permanently.
My sister lives in France and her daughter goes to a French school - they 'live' there and even were it possible in rural Normandie, for a 'Brit school' they would chose for her to attend a local French school. They are (and want to be) part of the community in which they live - it's why they went to France to live.
I also realised just recently - it was not something that I had previously really thought about (which is telling) - that I am a first generation immigrant to the UK - my dad is Irish, a Mayo man, from Westport and Ballina, via Galway to the UK.
That doesn't necessarily mean I know the square root of fuck all about the 'small print' of immigration but I'm just establishing my credentials.
The reason why I haven't realised my status as a first generation immigrant before now is that it's simply never been an issue for me. I was born here and whilst I am half Irish and proud of my Irish ancestry, I am essentially English or British, have been schooled here and have taken on the values of my host nation. I am also proud to be British and English - my only dilemma comes when England plays Ireland at Rugby Union, but that's not a major problem, it gives me two shots at the Grand Slam!
I'm rambling (you may have noticed?) because this is a difficult issue and not everyone will agree. But if I just tell you what you want to hear all the damn time, then I'm wasting it, yours and mine. So here goes.
I do genuinely understand that when a community (as is under the spotlight currently in Birmingham) is predominantly populated by people of the Muslim faith; when almost all of the kids who attend a particular school are from that background, that the likelihood is that the local school will reflect that demographic.
It's inevitable. And if enough people in a community want that to be the case then it is very difficult to argue against it and remain true to the principles of democracy.
But here's the rub. If you choose to up sticks and go and live in another country because it affords you a better chance in life, provides better opportunities for your kids, better healthcare, more freedoms than you might have enjoyed in your country of birth, surely part of the deal is that you will adopt the laws and values of that country?
That doesn't mean you have to give up your religion - that's largely a private matter between you and your God - but it does, in my opinion, mean that you accept the language, lifestyle and history of your new 'home' country instead of trying to import laws, politics and history from the country on which you are turning your back.
Why, fundamentally, would you want to create the same environment in you new, freer, more prosperous, more caring and more opportunity-providing host nation, as exists in the country from which you're trying to escape?
It seems to me that this is a two-way street. Controlled immigration is a good thing. It enhances our nation; it has been going on forever and has made us what we are today - tolerant, forward-looking, generous, diverse.
But when we offer a welcome to incomers, I think we do so on the basis that they have come here to integrate with us, to enjoy what this country has to offer and to contribute to it; to respect our laws, values and history. When you come and expect to establish your own closed communities, your own laws, your own, sometimes extreme, religious beliefs and doctrines, you are simply not keeping your side of the bargain.
Norman Tebbit made the now infamous comment about which cricket team you support if you live in England. It was a good point but I really don't have a problem with it as an issue. Sport is above politics, but the underlying message was a strong one.
If you are trying to change your new 'host' country in a way in which the majority of its residents don't want, then you're reneging on the fundamental deal. It seems to me that this is what is happening in Birmingham schools and probably in many other parts of the UK as well.
We Brits are very tolerant, very slow to rile, but we also have a very strong sense of what's right and what isn't. We really loathe being taken for mugs, having our own generosity thrown back in our faces, having our generosity used to do us harm.
It's time, in my opinion, for the 'vast majority' (we're told) of Muslims who share our British values to stand up and be heard. This is now getting to be really important. You don't stop bullies by backing off. Remember that.
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, 5 June 2014
While remembering and thanking our brave D-Day heroes, we might also remember what they were fighting for
It should be enough just to recognise, remember and thank those brave men and women who fought, were wounded, died or survived the events which took place in northern France 70 years ago tomorrow. And for most of us it is enough. We owe a massive debt of gratitude to those brave people who were fighting not on the basis of some jumped-up excuse to justify our military intervention to protect our energy interests, but for the very survival of our - and their - way of life and our freedoms against the threat of National Socialism.
It is right, therefore, that we should salute these people 70 years on.
What is not right though, is that we should, at the same time as we remember and pay tribute to their achievements, be effectively giving away the freedoms for which they fought and died, to an unelected, left wing ('international socialist'?) government in the shape of the EU.
What is also not right is that we are standing idly by while this is happening and almost no-one from our modern government, establishment or media is prepared to say a word about it.
The EU's publicly stated vision to establish a 'Federal' Europe, is effectively a take-over of Europe, by Germany, just using the EU & Brussels as the flimsiest of disguises. And far from rising up again to fight for our freedoms against this socialist threat (for it - the EU - is most certainly a controlling, intervening, anti-free-speech, propaganda-led, shadowy and sinister socialist organisation), we're not even prepared to raise our voices in opposition. Indeed to do so is to be dismissed as being a racist little Englander.
Do you not ever think (or 'realise' might be a better term) that we fought for the freedoms of all Europe's people? That the freedoms of people across the whole of Western Europe were effectively defended and delivered by the Allies after the last unpleasantness? We were fighting not just for 'Blighty' but for our friends the ordinary, lovely people who live all over Europe, against suppression and domination by the National Socialist thought-and-deed police.
These same 'thought-and-deed' police seem to be back with a vengeance right now in the 21st Century - a situation which is already causing the rise of extremism, conflict and protest across Europe as 'ordinary hard-working' people (if only) suffer as a direct result of centrist EU policies, rules and disastrous economic incompetence.
We are in grave danger of being 'farmed', as people: We will have no freedoms before long: We'll just be automatons, trapped by debt and effectively forced into working for as much of our life-spans as possible before we 'cool'.
And at that future, but not-very-far-off date, when all this turns into reality across this continent of ours, it will give me no pleasure whatsoever to be proved right in this assessment. Because by then it will be way too fucking late for all of us and the seeds of the next global conflict will have been irrevocably sown by the process that is now being played out before our closed eyes.
As Albert Einstein said: I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Thanks for reading.
Monday, 2 June 2014
Helmer's hat made in Sweden scandal
Emily is the Saw-away-Sun's Whitehall Correspondent. She seems to think that being anti-EU means being anti Europe.
Being anti-EU is actually to be pro-Europe - or at least pro nation states having the ability to govern themselves and to be what their citizens want them to be, rather than some homogenous Germanic state. The diversity of the countries in Europe in terms of culture, music, history and food, is what makes it such a great place. This is under real and imminent threat from the harmonising, controlling, standard-setting and law-making EU.
Young people in Spain, Italy, Greece and many other countries have very little hope of employment or prosperity as a direct result of EU policies.
More than 50% of young Spanish people are unemployed with little prospect of improving themselves because Spain is tied to the Euro and cannot re-balance its economy (devalue its currency) in order to be more competitive on the world stage.
And whilst the EU imposes open borders so that known criminal gangs can cross the continent unhindered to where there are richer pickings and we can do nothing about it; EU trade tariffs are preventing African farmers from trading with Europe, effectively perpetuating the continued rape of Africa by the West. So remind me, whose policies are racist again?
And Mr Helmer wearing a hat which was made in Sweden makes him, by inference, a hypocrite?
Oh do fuck off.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday, 1 June 2014
So what happens to UKIP on Friday?
Despite my hoping that the 'earthquake' would happen last week with the European elections - and UKIP did pretty damn well to be honest - in our current climate where there is no honour, where very few people resign over wrongdoing or ineptitude, nothing much has changed.
Yes Mr Clegg has come under pressure but he'll probably survive to be the Lib Dem Leader until the General Election next year, when I doubt he'll have much of a party to lead, much less to hold the balance of power. He's managing a process of advancing obscurity for the Lib Dems who have quite rightly been seen as unfit for.. well anything really.
Mr Miliband has been absent from the political scene for months like some perpetually unconscious bar fly why occasionally wakes up to slur 'fix energy prices' or 'cost of living crisis', without much conviction and then dozes off again. What does it say to your voters when you don't include your party leader and don't even mention the EU in your European election broadcast? It seems to me that he's in hiding, hoping that Dave will cock it all up and that the skewed boundaries will do it for him. Hardly leadership behaviour though is it?
And then there's Dave. The economy seems to be rebounding, unemployment is down, they seem to be fixing much of the mess that Labour's ineptitude left us with last time. And he's actually (my opinion) quite a nice guy - real anyway compared to the latest disconnected weirdo that Labour seems to have found. How does Labour come up with these really strange people like Gordon Brown and Ed Milliband who you know would not be remotely comfortable attending a casual social event with real people? It's just weird in my opinion.
But Dave is still behind in the polls. Go figure. Are we just a tribal nation whose people are so thick that they just vote as they always have done despite overwhelming evidence that Labour just (technical term) fucks everything up whenever it is in power? How long will people carry on voting for Labour when its MPs are getting richer and it's supporters are getting poorer? There are as many 'toffs' on the Labour benches as there are on the Tory side. This blind loyalty is just mad.
And Dave has come under pressure following the elections last week. His anti EU backbenchers have been empowered and the issue is rising up the agenda as people begin to realise that our membership of the EU, far from being very low on our list of concerns, is actually among the biggest issues we face, since it affects so many aspects of our lives. I bet Messrs Clarke, Mandelson etc hate that this issue is now being discussed.
And at this point in time, that's good enough for me.
And Dave is reported as suggesting that he could not guarantee continued UK membership of the EU if Junkers is elected as EU Commissioner. I want to believe that with every fibre in my being, but sadly it's bullshit. Dave is not a poker player. He always goes 'all in' at the first hint of holding an ace. But sooner or later this stuff will come back to bite him. When he doesn't get his reforms. It will obviously be 'spun' as a victory but most people will see it for what it is, another abject failure to get what we want from the EU. Another sign that we will be subsumed into the Federal European project. Dave has no 'red lines'. It will be a fudge as usual and he'll still be for an 'in' vote in any referendum.
And a campaign that will probably win, what with the government behind it and the EU's money (our money) actually promoting an 'in' vote. Bear in mind that if we do vote to leave it would be catastrophic for the EU, so it will be a dirty fight.
So Thursday then? The Newark by-election. UKIP thinks it can win it. I tend to doubt it. Overturning a 16k majority is extremely unlikely. Not impossible but very unlikely.
And what happens if the Tories hold on to Newark? Even with a drastically reduced majority? Well nothing much. We go on as we were, continuing to be ignored by the majority of the establishment. That would be a shame in my opinion.
So I have this ongoing dilemma. A Tory who would like to see UKIP win the seat in order to maintain momentum. Send more shock-waves through opur political system. Send more messages of 'we don't believe a word' to the anti UKIP media. If that happens it would be fantastic, but it won't damage the Lib Dems any further, nor will it damage Labour. It would put Dave firmly in the spotlight though.
And keep the EU top of the pops. It's a long shot. Good luck Roger Helmer.
Thankls for reading.
Yes Mr Clegg has come under pressure but he'll probably survive to be the Lib Dem Leader until the General Election next year, when I doubt he'll have much of a party to lead, much less to hold the balance of power. He's managing a process of advancing obscurity for the Lib Dems who have quite rightly been seen as unfit for.. well anything really.
Mr Miliband has been absent from the political scene for months like some perpetually unconscious bar fly why occasionally wakes up to slur 'fix energy prices' or 'cost of living crisis', without much conviction and then dozes off again. What does it say to your voters when you don't include your party leader and don't even mention the EU in your European election broadcast? It seems to me that he's in hiding, hoping that Dave will cock it all up and that the skewed boundaries will do it for him. Hardly leadership behaviour though is it?
And then there's Dave. The economy seems to be rebounding, unemployment is down, they seem to be fixing much of the mess that Labour's ineptitude left us with last time. And he's actually (my opinion) quite a nice guy - real anyway compared to the latest disconnected weirdo that Labour seems to have found. How does Labour come up with these really strange people like Gordon Brown and Ed Milliband who you know would not be remotely comfortable attending a casual social event with real people? It's just weird in my opinion.
But Dave is still behind in the polls. Go figure. Are we just a tribal nation whose people are so thick that they just vote as they always have done despite overwhelming evidence that Labour just (technical term) fucks everything up whenever it is in power? How long will people carry on voting for Labour when its MPs are getting richer and it's supporters are getting poorer? There are as many 'toffs' on the Labour benches as there are on the Tory side. This blind loyalty is just mad.
And Dave has come under pressure following the elections last week. His anti EU backbenchers have been empowered and the issue is rising up the agenda as people begin to realise that our membership of the EU, far from being very low on our list of concerns, is actually among the biggest issues we face, since it affects so many aspects of our lives. I bet Messrs Clarke, Mandelson etc hate that this issue is now being discussed.
And at this point in time, that's good enough for me.
And Dave is reported as suggesting that he could not guarantee continued UK membership of the EU if Junkers is elected as EU Commissioner. I want to believe that with every fibre in my being, but sadly it's bullshit. Dave is not a poker player. He always goes 'all in' at the first hint of holding an ace. But sooner or later this stuff will come back to bite him. When he doesn't get his reforms. It will obviously be 'spun' as a victory but most people will see it for what it is, another abject failure to get what we want from the EU. Another sign that we will be subsumed into the Federal European project. Dave has no 'red lines'. It will be a fudge as usual and he'll still be for an 'in' vote in any referendum.
And a campaign that will probably win, what with the government behind it and the EU's money (our money) actually promoting an 'in' vote. Bear in mind that if we do vote to leave it would be catastrophic for the EU, so it will be a dirty fight.
So Thursday then? The Newark by-election. UKIP thinks it can win it. I tend to doubt it. Overturning a 16k majority is extremely unlikely. Not impossible but very unlikely.
And what happens if the Tories hold on to Newark? Even with a drastically reduced majority? Well nothing much. We go on as we were, continuing to be ignored by the majority of the establishment. That would be a shame in my opinion.
So I have this ongoing dilemma. A Tory who would like to see UKIP win the seat in order to maintain momentum. Send more shock-waves through opur political system. Send more messages of 'we don't believe a word' to the anti UKIP media. If that happens it would be fantastic, but it won't damage the Lib Dems any further, nor will it damage Labour. It would put Dave firmly in the spotlight though.
And keep the EU top of the pops. It's a long shot. Good luck Roger Helmer.
Thankls for reading.
It's probably just me..
It really is probably just me who doesn't understand this situation. Because no-one else seems to think it is an issue for us - apart, perhaps from a few 'right wing' commentators whose views are discredited as being racist. And I certainly don't qualify on that score and nor do I want to be seen in the same light as them. But....
We 'go in' to Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Middle East, to make it a better place. Yes the excuse was because it was a country that was harbouring terrorists, but when we got there our goal was to make it a better, fairer, more democratic place. One where women in particular would be liberated. Would be able to enjoy an education. Would be able to go to school - a 'luxury' denied them hitherto by a male dominated society that treats women as second class citizens. As chattels. The posessions of men. To do with as they please.
FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), marrying off daughters at 8 years' old. Rape within marriage being entirely legal. Female adultery - even in the form of rape - being punishable by death - often by stoning.
Remind me again why we are welcoming these people into the UK? Is it because they will adopt our way of life and our freedoms and give up their medieval ways? After all if they want to come to our country they must believe that we offer a better way of life than they have enjoyed thus far.
Are they joining in with us in our quest for freedom of speech and expression? Do they buy in to our secular meritocracy in which anyone can do well regardless of background, religion or race?
Or are they trying to establish their own medieval laws; controlling women, castigating if not killing 'unbelievers'?
Why are we fighting for freedom overseas and then welcoming, feeding, protecting and enabling those who would subjugate, control and harm us and our way of life in our own country?
Please, someone, explain this to me.
Thanks for reading.
We 'go in' to Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Middle East, to make it a better place. Yes the excuse was because it was a country that was harbouring terrorists, but when we got there our goal was to make it a better, fairer, more democratic place. One where women in particular would be liberated. Would be able to enjoy an education. Would be able to go to school - a 'luxury' denied them hitherto by a male dominated society that treats women as second class citizens. As chattels. The posessions of men. To do with as they please.
FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), marrying off daughters at 8 years' old. Rape within marriage being entirely legal. Female adultery - even in the form of rape - being punishable by death - often by stoning.
Remind me again why we are welcoming these people into the UK? Is it because they will adopt our way of life and our freedoms and give up their medieval ways? After all if they want to come to our country they must believe that we offer a better way of life than they have enjoyed thus far.
Are they joining in with us in our quest for freedom of speech and expression? Do they buy in to our secular meritocracy in which anyone can do well regardless of background, religion or race?
Or are they trying to establish their own medieval laws; controlling women, castigating if not killing 'unbelievers'?
Why are we fighting for freedom overseas and then welcoming, feeding, protecting and enabling those who would subjugate, control and harm us and our way of life in our own country?
Please, someone, explain this to me.
Thanks for reading.
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