Thursday 12 December 2013

Is the 'Religion of Peace' all it's cracked up to be?

OK let's get the caveats out of the way first. I am not anti-Muslem or racist in any way. I am pro freedom of choice and expression and I live in - and enjoy - a diverse society. I don't impose my views of the world on anybody; you don't have to agree with what I'm saying, that's entirely your choice. I will not threaten, much less carry out, any act of violence upon you if you have a different view. But I do expect the same respect from you in return.

I think that's fair don't you? I will not tell you how to live your life and, in return, I don't expect you to tell me how to live mine - so long as both are within the long-established laws of the land in which we both live. After all, we have both chosen to live here and we could chose to live somewhere else if we really wanted to.

I am not anti any individual, or family or race or creed but I have a serious question (see title) that I think is worthy of being asked.

Most (if not all?) religions were 'created' (by men) when the prevailing belief was that the world was flat and that we were the centre of the universe. That's not necessarily a criticism, but a plain fact. They were devised in times long ago, when our knowledge of science was much more limited than it is today. They were also devised when establishing control and a 'common purpose' (how ironic that phrase seems today) was vital to our survival as a species.

Working together toward a common goal (instead of just fighting each other for today's 'catch' of food) was critical to man's survival and prosperity. And we've done pretty well out of that approach.

Generally speaking religion has lessened in importance over time. The need for control over people in that way, has reduced. Once we had proper laws and governments, accountability and representation, police forces, laws, and latterly surveillance; religion, quite rightly, has taken more of a back seat. That is not to say that it is irrelevant now. There are hundreds of millions of believers out there who take solace and value from their beliefs. And good for them.

But in our modern, scientific world, many people take the view that 'this is it'. That it's not about a comfortable afterlife secured through piousness and good deeds in this one, but that this is your one shot at life, and that one should make the most of it.

This may not be true - there is no real proof - but it is marginally more likely than what religion tells us and, therefore every bit as worthy of our respect and acceptance as any religious doctrine. This is out of 'flow' in this piece I accept, but how does killing someone who doesn't share you view - essentially going against every tennet of 'God's teaching' - secure you a good place in the hereafter? That's just madness.

All of which brings me on to my point. Christianity has recognised that it can no longer impose belief upon people. It encourages one to choose its belief system. It does not force it upon you. Buddhism is about celebrating life and respect for others through spirituality. Neither comes with a threat that if you don't agree or support it you will be diminished, or ostracised or 'cast out'. Almost all religions take this approach in our modern world. It's about your choice and it is a voluntary committment because only by being voluntary can it be genuine.

Do you disagree with that? If so, I'm wasting my time, and so are you. Goodbye.

There is of course one religion that does not follow this logical, modern, respectful, inclusive-if-it's-your-choice stance.

One religion that has not lost over time it's pervasive, controlling, anti women (the others all used to be) stance. One religion whose doctrine advocates the allowance of 8 year old girls being married against their will. Of forced marriages. Of Female genital mutilation for the control of women. Of women being covered from head to toe in public at all times. And of non-belivers being killed for not believing. It is anti gay, anti alcohol, anti liberty and freedom. It is so insecure that it threatens death to anyone who criticises or pokes fun at it. It promises glory in the hereafter to people who kill non-believers. It places religious belief above that of nation states and nationally agreed, long developed and democratically arrived-at laws.

It wants to control what you do, think, say and believe. What your children are taught in schools. Mr Hitler would have had wet dreams about this stuff.

And it will be the dominant religion of the UK by 2050 if the government's own statistics are to be believed.

In a word Islamism is a medieval disaster that is threatening to take us back centuries in terms of our freedoms and lifestyle. And it is coming to a city, town, village near you. Soon.

And we're not resisting it. Oh no; we're welcoming it in with open arms. Paying for it's advocates to live amongst us and protecting it through anti-racism and 'respect' laws.

But then it is the 'Religion of Peace'.

Isn't it?

We're fucking mad as a fucking mad thing from Mad city. By the time we wake up to this shit it will be too late.

And those of us (you) who sat idly by will get what you deserve from your negligence. And will, no doubt, be the first to complain.

Thanks for reading.




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