Thursday, 31 May 2012

It's all about Vision Dave

If, in Government, you have a strong, clear vision that people understand, the odd cock-up along the way will not damage you too much.

But if you don't (have  a strong vision) then every cock-up just confirms your ineptitude. They become what you're known for; 'what you do'.

If you have no clear vision: Don't know where you're going - how can you possibly lead anyone anywhere? Time to help Dave to find the exit?


Seems to me that Dave is not short of cock-ups; this Government is becoming known for its ineptitude because it has no clear vision.

If you know where you're going, you can drag the idiots & nay-sayers along. If you don't, they will control your direction & speed.

When we needed political giants in the UK and Europe, we got Dave and George, Miliband and Balls. God help us.

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