Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Not a single joke or laugh or even a smile. That worries me

It might well be just me on this, but having blogged endlessly and for years about the dangers and frankly disastrous consequences of our staying in the EU, it's now the final day of the campaign and I'm not going over all that again!

It's all been said and people have either heard it, or ignored it and their minds are now pretty much made up.

So I thought I'd raise a slightly more minor concern. It's about jokes, or humour or, at a push, smiles.

You see my concern is that there hasn't been any. At all. From the Remain camp.

Even when they wheeled out the smug leftie comedians there were no jokes in evidence. Even Mr Izzard (I am a fan of his early stuff if not his politics) couldn't bring himself to see anything funny about the referendum process of the issues involved.

And to be fair, they are serious, far reaching and long-term issues, but I would have thought that 'nice people' who were confident in their beliefs, would be able to have  laugh about them at some point.

Perhaps they aren't nice people. And perhaps they aren't confident in their beliefs or in what they're telling us. That's all I can think.

If it were me, I'd have been trying to de-fuse the situation with a little bit of humour:

'Yes if you stay, you will be stronger. You'll still wear the trousers - it's just that we'll be telling you which trousers to wear..'

'Of course you'll be safer - without borders you'll be able to flee from the thronging dangerous hordes without having to stop at any border checkpoints..'

'Of course you can keep the pound. And the ounce..'

Now obviously you won't need the services of an ambulance because your sides are splitting, but something like this would at least have shown some kind of humanity, some kind of friendly humour. But no, not once have we seen any humour or even friendliness from the EU or the Remain side. That worries me.

On the other hand Boris said 'Knickers to the EU' when campaigning at a lingerie factory and 'no-one can say we're not running a clean campaign' when speaking at a cleaning products factory. Not side splitting either but you see what I mean?

The lack of jokes from Remain (see above) are probably because they are actually a bit too close to the truth for them even to joke about.

As I say this is not a clinching argument in any way, but I just don't trust people who are not comfortable in their own skin, or confident enough in their own position that they can't bring themselves to add any kind of friendly humour to what is a otherwise a very serious debate.

As I say it's probably just me.

Thanks for reading.

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