Sunday 26 January 2014

UKIP, why is the establishment so scared?

I'm not a 'kipper' (long time no sea to coin the old joke) but I must admit that Mr Farage and his party are becoming more attractive to me as time goes on.

I have advocated voting UKIP (in last year's local elections) because I wanted their main agenda item - The EU - to be given more prominence on the political stage. And that has happened to a considerable extent. I believe and fervently hope that this process will continue, nay accelerate, after the European elections at the end of May this year. I would urge you, whatever your political default position, to vote UKIP in May, to maintain the pressure, primarily but not exclusively on Dave, to deliver an EU Referendum.

Most people in the UK want a referendum on our membership of the EU, one way or another and to see Labour filibustering the recent bill in the light of that fact, is both deeply worrying and frankly disgusting. You work for us, Mr Miliband and Mr Clegg, not the other way around and you are striving to deny our democratic freedoms in the country.

That stinks to high heaven. But then Dave wants an 'in' vote too. And in many ways he's only promising the referendum as a means of keeping his back-benchers onside and to gain some short-term political and electoral advantage. He won't get any meaningful repatriation of powers. Wait for the fudge.

I see our membership of the EU as the biggest issue we face as a people since the last unpleasantness (WW2). And I do not view this as a 'little Englander': The fate of young people throughout southern Europe is at stake here. The very identities of countries whose people culture, food, music, way of life, I love and respect and which should be celebrated and enjoyed, is at stake here. More here.

But one has to be practical about this. We have a political process in the UK. It seems to me that it has become more of a vehicle for MP's careers than about representing the will of the people, but we still do have a modicum of influence. Not enough. But some.

And if we hand over the reins to the EU that will be lost forever. We will cease to be a self-governing nation state. It really is that big a deal. Please wake up to this threat. If you don't, we're fucked (technical term).

So, in many ways I'm prime UKIP material. So why am I not a supporter or member?

Well one reason is that I believe in conservatism. Fundamentally, I believe in the principles of the Tory party - smaller government, lower tax, control of our borders (that does not mean anti-immigration by the way), defence of the realm and financial prudence (not the 'prudence' crap that was espoused but in no way adhered to by Mr Brown).

My problem is that I'm not quite sure that the Conservative party actually believes in this stuff anymore.

Nor do I believe that our politicians of all and any parties, really give a damn about doing what's right for the country above feathering their own nests these days.

So I think that Dave (et al) needs to be forced into doing what's right for the UK (how did it come to this?) and that means creating the 'burning platform' that will force him and others to listen to the voter and deliver what we want. And the only way to do that is to create a situation wherein they will lose their power, their cushy jobs and lifestyles, if they don't do what we want them to do for the good of the country.

And UKIP is an increasingly effective tool to help us to create that scenario.


If Dave doesn't respond, what do I do? Give up? Or vote UKIP?

As I say I have voted UKIP tactically. Maybe I will become a supporter, even though, fundamentally I'd rather not. Not because I have any difficulty with the populist anti UKIP, 'right wing' bollocks. That's just puerile nonsense.

But because I'm a pragmatist and want to get to the bigger goal for the UK which is getting out of the EU.

One thing is clear to me however. When Tories describe UKIP as loons. It makes me like them (UKIP) more. When the MSM including the BBC calls them 'nutters' it pushes me towards not away from UKIP.

They're all running scared of Nigel Farage because he increasingly speaks the truth. Increasingly says what many former Tories are thinking. But not just Tories. The working people of the north of England too.

The 'Establishment' is scared of Mr Farage because he is a threat to them and their cushy lifestyles. Bob Kerslake (head of the Civil Service) increasingly runs this country, not the Prime Minister for whom we voted. And he has the EU at heart not what's best for the UK. Governments can fiddle with issues but the main direction of this country is already set in train by our EU civil servants. They and other tools of the establishment including the BBC therefore see Farage as a major threat because he seems to want to do what the people (who pay for all this) want. That is why they're so scared of him and why they will do anything to discredit UKIP. Essentially they're determined to discredit you, the voter and to deny you any opportunity to have your say.

They will of course deny it, but essentially the establishment is saying that we cannot let the future of the UK be decided by the stupid voters, and that 'we' know best. I find that scandalous, depressing and above all challenging. Who do these fuckwits think they are to override the will of the people for whom they work and to whom they owe their livelihoods? 

If he was a viable route to power and decision-making, I think I might well vote for Farage. Because Tories don't seem to be Tories any more and he seems to me to be on the side of real people. Are any of the others?

Thanks for reading.





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