Sunday 5 June 2011

Oh the torment

I'm just so cut up about poor Natashia's torment about her 8-year affair with her brother in law Ryan Giggs as reported in the News of the Screws today.  Don't get me wrong, I think that Giggs is largely to blame and I have not read the gory details but I have to admit to being completely baffled by this and other recent so-called 'scandals'. Not just Giggs, but businessmen, bankers, slebs, film stars.. WHAT is wrong with these people? Both sides.

It seems clear to me that some women go into these relationships with a clear view that they will then sell their story to a tabloid. Some may take 8 years to come to that realisation and some will only act when the thing turns sour in order to gain some revenge. What I cannot understand is the sheer 'transactional' nature of the relationship if it ends up in the paper. Sure relationships fail, people fall out of love, but what sort of a society have we created when that failure leads to the threat of exposure and financial and reputational gain or loss?

From a completely Machiavellian viewpoint, if you earn £100,000 a week, can't you just 'provide' a couple of week's wages to induce memory loss? (I don't expect to win many admirers for that comment but be practical).

If the man involved is a predator using his status and wealth, and if he derives his wealth from the media and profile then he deserves what he gets. End of.

But don't the women involved realise that what they're doing is tantamount to blackmail? Or worse, that their actions are labeling them as members of the oldest profession?

The whole thing stinks to high heaven but the really sobering thing is that we, the public have created the environment in which this sort of behaviour is welcomed, demanded, lapped up.

And I'm spending time writing about it. shit.

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