Friday 27 May 2011

You can hide but you can't run

'Who will throw the first stone?'

A strong question still, after more than 2000 years (and probably much earlier).  Who, among us is whiter than white? Unblemished by weakness, a paragon of virtue, able without conscience, to throw that first stone? Presumably thrown at a criminal, beyond doubt, someone who deserves to suffer or to die.  And who decides that? Who makes the laws, writes the history, takes the glory, or the blame?

Certainly not me and probably not you either.  So while we're choosing our stones, buying six flats and a bag of gravel (Life of Brian), perhaps we should look in the mirror, admit our failings, perhaps even apologize for our own sins and show some mercy and generosity?

Trouble is, if we all did that then anyone could get away with anything, without punishment for wrongdoing.  And then where would we be? where would the rule of law be? where would our innate sense of fairness be?

But the villain might be a vicious murderer or rapist or kidnapper. Might also be a woman who has inadvertently allowed her ankle to be seen by a man, or to have driven a car or to have gone to school when it is not allowed in that country.  Are you buying some 'pointy' stones yet? 

My apologies, I didn't intend to drift so much off the point of this blog but the above is worth thinking about in my humble opinion.  One final thought in this area, since I seem to have touched on what i believe are medieval and religion-driven laws, is this: name me one religion, anywhere in the world, that has been 'good' or 'positive' for women?

OK I admit, far to much preamble, I will clearly split this next bit from this blog and use it in it's own right, if you're reading the full version, my apologies:

The thing is this: The background is that Ryan Giggs has been at the centre of mega media coverage these past few days for a sexual relationship he has had with a woman who is not his wife.  The wife of his kids in what was hitherto regarded as a loving family relationship. He tried to cover this up through his wealth - he was able to pay for an injunction to stop the media from reporting his failings.  Unfortunately for him, he has not succeeded and has been found out. If he had admitted his failing, apologized and come clean, we would almost certainly now be following a different story, have paused to say 'silly boy' and have moved on.

He would have had to face the consequences of course, but he could perhaps have done so in a quiet and private way and who knows what he might have agreed with his wife, away from the spotlight of the media. In my opinion he might have been able to save his marriage (and he may still do, who knows?).  He could surely argue that a 'fling' with someone who was only in the relationship in order to make money from it, was not as important as a committed relationship, with kids involved. and she may have understood this. 

By trying to gag the media, to stop them getting the story, he has made the whole thing uncontrolable. And he has increased the attention on his failure by a million percent.  (I am not a fan of the 'we give 110% brigade', you can only give 100% as a maximum but this is different). He has exasserbated the problem massively by trying to control the media, by trying to stop them doing what they do.

Ron Davies MP tried to do the same with the same results. It became a much bigger story because he tried to stop it. One can understand that the revelation would be damaging to him and his political career, but to try to cover it up was to make it a much bigger story.  The media will get there in the end, you have to understand that and live with it and behave accordingly.

In my humble opinion, Chris Huhne is doing the same now. Thinking that one is more important than the press is always doomed to fail.  Admit and try to move on, or be pillaried because you tried to be above the media is just stupid.

Tiger Woods..? Don't get me started! But the same is true. You will not outrun the media, especially if you try to control them and actually, now that Twitter is on the case you have even less chance.  Your best bet is to accept, take your kicking (hopefully briefly) and move on.  Better still, love your wife and kids and keep temptation securely in your trousers.

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