Friday 27 October 2017

Despite Brexit

This is just funny. And an excuse for me to spend about a minute investigating the BBC website for 'despite Brexit' quotes.

Two minutes' work found dozens of recent occasions in which the BBC has used the term 'despite Brexit'. A term they've been using regularly since June 24th last year, with a range of variations all of which are used to portray Brexit as a negative issue. 

The sight of our national broadcaster doing everything it can to undermine post-Brexit Britain; everything it can to promote the EU; everything it can to try to stop Brexit from happening, against the will of the people, is massively unedifying. 

Once Brexit is out of the way, we should think about how best to ensure that we have a national broadcaster that stands up for the country it represents and the people who pay for it. 

In my opinion.

Thanks for reading.