Sunday, 4 September 2016

And here, a matter of hours later, is how the BBC covers (creates really) a negative Brexit story

So, having buried the 'Global Leader in Free Trade' vision from Theresa May yesterday, (here) at the lowest possible place on its website, this is how the BBC is covering ('promoting' would be a more accurate term) a slightly less positive angle on Brexit this morning- a manufactured negative angle based on her saying - 'It might not all be plain sailing'.

In an interview with Marr she said: 'We have had some good figures and better figures than some had predicted would be the case. I'm not going to pretend that it's all going to be plain sailing.

"I think we must be prepared for the fact that there may be some difficult times ahead. But what I am is optimistic." 

So the BBC goes big on the possible - not certain by any means - negative angle.

Not hidden away at the very bottom of the 'News page' this time, but featured prominently, not once but twice on the top of the BBC's Homepage - the landing page for all visitors to the site. Top story and then repeated immediately below just in case you missed it.

Then of course absolute top of the 'News' page. And notice the headline says 'will bring difficult times', when what she actually said was: 'there may be some difficult times ahead'.

But the BBC is so determined to pick up on any possible negative of Brexit that it cannot help itself shouting - and falsifying - this piece from the rooftops.

It needs to be reformed. By force of public feeling. And soon. This crap is now getting so blatant that it's beyond a joke.

One thing is for absolute certain. It will be a glorious day when this out-of-control, biased, anti British corporation is either disbanded and closed or forced back to operating on the basis that it did when it obeyed the terms of its charter for impartiality; when it had credibility and was, therefore, one of the best things that Britain had ever given to the world. It is so far from that scenario now it's laughable.

It needs serious and urgent reform: And while 'Whippingdale' was just the latest in a long line of inept, spineless 'Media, Culture & Sport' Ministers to be too scared to address this urgent issue of the BBC, which directly affects the UK's very credibility & standing in the world, I think it's only a matter of time before the real, decent people of this country wake up and take action themselves. Probably via mass non-payment of the licence fee. We'll see - I'm not advocating that people break the law, but I think it's coming because reform is desperately needed and not being delivered. Tony Hall and his cronies are smugly laughing at and ignoring the people to whom he should be listening and reporting - the licence-fee-paying BBC audience.

Neither he nor very many (if any) of the current 'Guardianista' managers, executives or producers at the BBC will be coming along for the ride when this process gets under way.

Thanks for reading.

Update (7.55 am) - maybe someone reads this stuff after all? The BBC has now 'updated' its story to read 'May bring difficult times' as opposed to 'Will'. Doesn't change the 'job' they've done on promoting the negative whilst burying the positive.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

UK to be global leader in free trade - May

Quite big news I think you'll agree. Our new Prime Minister has stated that her vision for the UK is that we will be a global leader in free trade.

Not a woman who is prone to hyperbole, this is a major statement and one which, one would have thought, would be pretty big on the news agenda - especially the BBC's News page.

This is big, it'll be prominent.

Aa you can no doubt see: Scroll down - this is exactly as the BBC news page now looks, at 21.07 on September 3rd 2016.

So the UK aspiring to become a global leader in free trade is slightly below the main story (which has held its place since before 6am today); that China has signed the Paris Climate pact - even though China has been starting to build two new coal-fired power stations every week for the whole of this year and will not hit peak CO2 output until 2030 - a fact conveniently forgotten by the BBC's Roger Harrabin - who must know this. But hey, our new PM's vision ought to be second up on the news page surely - such a major announcement?

Actually no. It's also below a story from yesterday about a gay bishop. And a futile Pro EU march. And news about a bridge on the M20. And the sale of Boycie's Jag. And some filler stuff called 'features. A selection of pieces including: 'why do lithium batteries explode?'. And below a round-up of news from England, Norn Iron, Scotland & Wales. A section on Sport. And the penultimate section on the page; local news and weather.

It's in the 'more from BBC News' section. The 'we don't really give a toss about this stuff' bit - except the climate stuff is usually buried here too so that the ridiculous, unscientific bullshit will not get too much of a backlash from people with a brain.

It could only be further from the top of the BBC News page if it was in the actual footer of the page.

God but the BBC makes my piss boil. As soon as Brexit is under way and secure, I think it'll be time for the people of the UK to turn their attention to the monstrous bias, and anti UK bullshit that the BBC pours out all the damn time and to take back control over what should be our national broadcaster. The BBC needs to be on our side and representing the majority of British people who pay for the bloody thing. It certainly is not at the moment.

It had the chance to reform and blew it. It's coming up to time for us to make happen what our spineless politicians have so wantonly failed to do.

Thanks for reading